Revered Magus chapter 19 - The Great Draconic General

(I'm going to refer to Tiamat's body in first person from now. MC is just watching right now I'm narrating Tiamat)

About a month passed and I learned how to fly. After my black scales grew and i could fly, my parent seemed to want to leave the cave and go somewhere else. So as the child I am, I followed.

A civilization where dragons of every shape, size, and color were flying in the air, they landed in this massive courtyard and my parents slowly transformed into weird-shaped creatures. Standing on 2 legs, scaleless and with long hair, however, I still saw the horn they possessed.

As about a year passed by, I learned I could transform. I learned all sorts of things during this year like this city right now is called Altheim. A collaboration with Elves and Dragons and a lot of minor races with similar bloodlines such as Lizard men, fairies, and more.

By the age of 10, I had already learned what humans called Origin magic and studied the history of Altheim. By the age of 30, I studied all about runes and implementing them in spells and items such as weapons, buildings, and other things. By the time I was 50, I learned about other races besides the ones in Altheim City. It seems the creatures we transform into relate to humans, as they say.

It is known that they are a pest of a race…they have a very high fertility rate and due to this, humans have managed to stop the event of extinction.

It's known that they are usually very violent and disharmonious, however, can easily forget all previous offenses when benefits are provided or a common enemy is found.

They are even worse than the demon race. The demon race at least knows who their friend and foe are.

These humans were nothing special at first, however, it seems someone taught them magic and before 50 years they had a society filled with magic. Previously humans used something called martial arts. A training where they strengthen and reinforce their physical body.

It seems that humans have gotten greedy. They seemed to know of our origin magic and wished to steal and spread it amongst their races.

We offered a deal where we could give them our knowledge under the terms that they accept to be a species below us and they accepted and took our knowledge.

A thousand years have passed and I am now on the front line of the war against humans.

They seem to know the benefits of our city being much higher in World energy than other places and several treasures that can empower even the weakest of dragons to be a Front-line general.

A thousand years have passed again and the humans are constantly waging war while knowing we have the upper hand; I was expecting them to realize their foolishness however some rare humans have appeared and are being cultivated to become a key part of this war.

However, this is still not enough to close the gap between humans, dragons, and elves. However, they don't seem to realize that and are continuing with their persistence.

Ten thousand years later, I am now a Commander beneath my father, it's widely known that since humans have such high fertility, they can continue on, however, even though dragons and elves can live up to hundreds of millenniums.

The constant birth rate of humans is getting annoying. My father is too soft-hearted, he keeps pitying the humans and setting the so-called "innocents" off even though the humans massacre our children, wives, and innocents.

Humans are a very wicked race, being soft-hearted is what got us in this mess, where new prodigies are being born and raised and groomed into the next generation of fighters.

Ten thousand later, my father and parents died in a trap set by humans, not only are humans more in number, but they seemed to have teamed up with the demon clan that has always kept to themselves, and due to that their powers have risen and cunningness and shamelessness show no bounds.

When my father died, there was a short funeral suitable for generals, and I took over his place. Leading 100,000 armies strong of dragons, elves, and other races to slaughter the humans ruthlessly. I adapted to human cunningness and slaughtered humans, no matter who, children, women, farmers, civilians, until they started fearing me.

I have bestowed the title, The Great Draconic General, With my actions and strategies, the humans were less relentless and more passive for the next couple of thousands of years.

Until, what humans called Arch Magus and Demons called Supreme Devils were on the front lines, 6 of them, 3 each from each side. there was an air around them that would make even Dragon tremble. 'Dragons? fearing humans and little demons, don't tell me you're really the overgrown lizards the humans say you are. Now! we will show you the true fear of dragons' I roared boosting the morale of the army.

I rushed ahead first to show the others my confidence, after 5 days of fighting, I killed 3 of them, 2 humans and one devil however I was badly injured in the process, and the other three didn't look as good. The other humans and demons were already annihilated, and our side suffered serious casualties as well.

The one Arch-magus and two Supreme Devils wanted to flee however I sent someone to block their path of retreat. They are too dangerous to leave alive. Even If I must die, they must be killed.

I used all the artifacts on me to increase my strength, speed, reaction time, and everything possible. I made one last attack as I blasted through the air, creating a burst of waves, and ended up right in front of them.

As I opened my mouth, breathing the black fire that is only limited to our black dragon race. I turned all of them into ashes and once I witnessed our victory, I collapsed from the sky exhausted and injured.

After about 3 days of recovery since dragons recover faster than humans, you could tell I was seriously injured as it would take longer than a couple of hours for me to recover from any injury.

As soon as I recovered, I gave an official Military order. "The humans and devils have definitely used their last trump cards. Go and annihilate every human settlement. I don't want to see, hear or even smell a single human on this earth, and go find where the devils hide and destroy them."

The commanders and the army moved out and started causing a rampage carrying out my order. The Head Elf, however, was in dispute about me massacring all the humans, however, I wasn't planning on letting something that looked like a human, tell me to spare the humans.

Hence, since the humans were no longer a threat, and devils couldn't be found, civil tension arose between dragons and elves.