Revered Magus Chapter 42 - Elise Zathis

'Well…now I have a huge target on my back, doubt this academy will be safe anymore, should I leave? I mean the only reason I stayed in this academy was to give me a safe place to develop, but now the meaning behind that is gone.'

While thinking and ignoring the onlooker's gazes and mumbles, 'It is still too soon for me to enter the world, if I run into a beast high-level and below, I would be fine, but what if I run into anything higher? And what if they specialize in speed…I would be screwed.'

Whilst Walking to the council Office to request temporary accommodation, Rio decided he had to figure out a way to deal with Murik, 'I wouldn't try to cause trouble however I am definitely not going to lay down and be bullied, had enough of that in my last life.'

Rio reached the Council office; and told them his situation and they gave him an invoice and another room to stay in temporarily whilst his current room is being fixed

Rio went back to his room to pack his things, luckily, Rio didn't really have many things, most of the things he had were in his ring so he didn't stay long.


"Is that true?", A girl around the age of 16 with golden blonde hair, with deep cold azure eyes that could make even the most impotent man turn to look, asked with an amused expression

"I dare not lie, young miss, there were various people standing just outside, you can easily look into it and verify" a young girl nervously reported

"Hmmm, interesting, although Xander is very flamboyant on the surface, his calculative interior doesn't escape my eyes, for someone to get him so angry, it seems I need to look into this" she spoke in a calm and fluent tone that sounded serene to the ears


A bag landed in the hands of the girl, and the previously nervous look that was on her face turned into joy

"Thank you, Young miss, if there's nothing you need further, I'll take my leave" The girl hurriedly left as if the young miss would change her mind, leaving the room empty with just her

"Did you hear that, look into the boy that was mentioned, I expect a report by the end of today" the young miss said

A person appeared from the shadow, "Understood" and left as quickly as it came.

"Sigh, being the daughter of the Academy leader really is stressful sometimes, as soon as we suppress the high Elders, the other elders behind him will also fall in line" The young beauty seemed stressed however a hint of ambition could be seen in her azure pupils

*Knock, Knock*

"Elise…How have you been, you look more alluring the more time I see you" a black-haired boy with matching eyes said as he entered the room, naturally this figure was Xander Murik

"I don't recall permitting you to enter" Her azure eyes got even bluer as the room had a sudden freezing chill

"Ahhh, calm down Elise, we've known each other basically our whole life, how can you be so cold to such a friend," Xander said in a mocking tone clearly showing his lack of fear to the pressure Elise was displaying

"I'm already being courteous as it is, I am in no mood to speak with you, leave," Elise commanded as the room got colder

Xander's Joking expression and tone turned serious 'She dares order me? should I just flame this b*tch? No, I can't, that would bring more trouble than needed, I came here to probe about what she knows about Rio but I couldn't even get a word in. Having no other choice, Xander held his anger in and left the room

'Watch! I wait to the day you crawl before my feet and submit; I would love to see how you would command me then' Xander envisioning what the future could behold and left

So, after night arrived and the same figure suddenly appeared in the room, placing a detailed report on the table in front of Elise

Elise picked up the report and flipped through it, before excusing the figure.

'Rio Casmir turns 16 this year, Twin Top grade spirit root, including the rare darkness attribute, oh, where has this gem been hiding that he managed to go under my radar for so long? It seems I've been far too busy lately' as Elise carefully went over Rio's report with interest


The next morning arrived and the room Rio got was like his old room so there wasn't much of a change in that either, while still in bed staring at the ceiling a knock came from the door

'Now, who could it be so early in the morning, do these people not sleep? Even If you don't sleep, don't interrupt other people's sleep.'

Rio got up begrudgingly and opened the door to see a young girl who handed me a letter and ran off


Speechless, 'this early in the morning, it couldn't wait?' Rio thought whilst he closed the door and opened the letter

Expecting it to be a love letter of some sort, however, it ended up being an invitation of some sort.

"There have been rumors saying that you offended The High Elders's Grandson, and your death won't be an easy one, I've looked into you and have seen you prefer a low-key type of life, but it seems it didn't last long. I can keep you safe whilst you're in this academy, letting you go unhindered. If you would like to meet, come to the training ground at noon"

As he read over this, Rio wasn't sure of this letter, honestly to anyone's eyes, this is clearly a trap…' training ground? Really?' Rio rolled his eyes before lighting a simple fire spell and burning the letter

"Well…since I've gotten out of bed, I should start with my morning practice" Rio took off his shirt and took out a sword to start his morning routine, He went to get breakfast, and the morning passed.

Unknown to Rio, a beautiful blonde-haired girl was in the training ground, causing people who were training to stop and stare, midday came and passed yet there was no sign of me, anger nor disappointment showed on her face.

Instead, a slight smirk showed before she went back to her room; changed, and came looking for me…eventually, she found him in the cafeteria eating lunch.

She grabbed a tray and lined up, however, adolescent boys couldn't help but keep their eyes on her until one boy allowed her to go in front of him, starting a chain of "you can go in front of me" and "thank you" until she got to the server and got her food.

Once she got her food, she asked Rio, "Is this seat taken?" Rio looked up

"Not that I know off," Rio said stoically and continued eating my food whilst in deep thought on how to deal with Xander

"My name is Elise; did you get the letter I sent this morning?" She asked with a smile on her face

Since Rio was deep in thought, he didn't hear what she said but the word letter managed to enter