Revered Magus Chapter 65 - Weapon Hunt (2)

"Ahhh, I think I know what you're talking about, there was talk of an upcoming artificer, and thanks to my connection, I found out he's been around for around 3 years, and he recently started getting some fame"


"Upcoming artificer? Do you have any information about this artificer?" She replied with a raised brow


"Nah, his identity is still unknown; however, many people have been trying to find him, but to no avail"


Matilda fell into silence thinking about how to get information about him


"Ahh, I can tell you this though, it started in the city of Solia" John suddenly said


"Here?" An image of her sister flashed in her mind before disregarding it


"Yeah, I shouldn't tell you this but since I've known you since you were the height of my knee, I can tell you this" John chuckled as he said this


"I've heard that the Myriad Auction house probably have contact with him, as every year there's a limited amount of artificer weapon from the mysterious artificer, they auction around 4 artificer item every year, and they have become an even bigger force due to the potion and weapons they recently started selling," John said


"The Myriad auction house" Matilda took a bit of the place before looking at John, "do you know when the next auction will take place?"


John nodded and replied "It should be in the next 3 days, apparently this is going to be a big auction because of the student tournament, families are planning on spending a tremendous amount of spirit stones to get equipment for the children to come out one of the top contenders"


Matilda was in thought then simply nodded her head to John and thanked him for the information


"It's no problem if you want to buy anything from the shop, I can personally attend to you," he said, however, he was refused due to Matilda wanting to leave, so he only walked them out of the shop and watch them leave


"Ruth prepare to set off, Tomorrow, we're going to the Myriad Auction House, then the academy" Matilda said


Ruth merely nodded while both Matilda and Ruth went back to the Mansion


'I was originally going to go to the capital with my family, but it makes no difference following the academy' Matilda thought


2 days later in a manor on a large island; there resided a black-headed, pale-skinned, purple-eyed boy preparing to depart from his manor


Naturally, this was Rio Casmir, Rio was doing a final check on some runic weapons and potions that he planned to put off for auction


Rio now used his identity as a direct disciple of Elder Asis to sell high-quality potions, not the type like the explosive potion, even Elder Asis probably couldn't concoct it, and even if he could, he probably wouldn't have the recipe for it


However, Rio used a disguise to sell his runic weapons, there was no excuse he could use, as the elder that did artificing couldn't make the quality Rio was selling


After checking everything and making sure everything was without problems, he set off toward the Myriad Auction


The Myriad auction and Rio made a sort of deal, naturally, one with both Rio and his disguise, Warhammer, Rio used a title instead of a name to make his brand known and increase the number of spirit stones made


every year, Rio would provide at least 3 runic weapons every year and at least 10 bottles of potions


Rio was able to get an insurmountable amount

of funds like this which he used on resources to rank up over the years


Right now, Rio shouldn't be any poorer than the academy leader himself, maybe even richer


Rio arrived at the Auction House, however unlike before, he didn't stop and look at the tall building, since he was used to the sight


However, unlike usual, there wasn't a huge amount of people lined up, there wasn't even a line, the only people that were there were the people that were coming in and out of the place


Rio didn't pay many kinds to this and entered the auction house and immediately went to the clerk, however, before he could even reach the booth, he was called out by one of the attendants


"Mr. Casmir, sir, Mr. Cedric told me if I see you, I should immediately escort you to his office, instead of you waiting around"


Rio simply nodded and followed the attendant to Cedric's office, naturally, the same old, white-haired, and clothed man sat on his chair when he saw Rio a smile unconsciously appeared on his face and indicated Rio to sit opposite him, both of them being separated by a desk


"Rio, long time no see, it's a pity that only come once a year to drop off the equipment, I feel like that's the only time when I see you," the man said while chuckling lightly


"I would come over more often to visit you; however I have to focus on my cultivation, also me coming to see you frequently isn't a good thing for me, every year I leave the auction, there are always people I need to wipe out," Rio said with a slight smile on his face


"Is that so? Why haven't you notified me about this, I would have ordered some people to stay around you and eliminate any harm that is intended towards you" Cedric said but his previous happy face was nowhere to be seen


"No worries, they're mere flies I take an instant to kill, or else you would have noticed some disturbance every year" Rio slightly chuckled at the change of his expression


"However, let's get to why I came here," Rio said getting to the point


"Ahh, yes, I guess that's enough small talk, let me have a look at your options," Cedric said


Rio took off a ring from his finger and handed it over to Cedric, Cedric took out each potion one by one and looked at the quality of the potions


"I can't manage to keep a straight face when I look at the quality of your options, how do you get the potions to such purity," Cedric said in awe, unable to take his eyes away from the different colored bottles

"That should be it, for now, right? Oh year, don't forget the usual private booth, however, I would appreciate it if I got to enjoy it alone this time" Rio said


"Okay, I'll ensure that happens," Cedric said whilst admiring the bottles


Rio got up and walked to the door, "Oh, before I forget, this is probably the last time I'm going to be auctioning weapons"


Cedric who was previously looking at the bottles snapped out of his spur and looked at Rio in confusion "How come, are you unsatisfied with something"


"No, after the tournament, I'm not going to return back here, but going on an adventure," Rio said whilst opening the door


"Ahh, that's a shame, well, if you do happen to run into any of our Myriad Shops, show them your token, and you will be able to get the utmost privileges there, naturally, I hoped this partnership could've been longer, alas, all good things must come to an end, I hope you have a Safe journey, Rio" Cedric said with a sorrowful expression


Rio nodded at the old man who seemed to be on the verge of tears and left the office


Rio then proceeded to switch his disguise and went through a similar process when selling his runic weapons


Rio then left the Auction house and rented a nearby high-end inn nearby, going back all the way to the island was annoying even if Rio could now fly


After Rio rented a place to stay for the night, he lay in his bed comfortably


'These people have been hiding since I got here, there's even one with a stronger mana signature than the rest, around 2nd ranked mage master' Rio thought with him laying face up on the bed


Rio didn't feel any danger from any of them, so it was clear that they weren't a threat


All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door


'It seems the one with the higher mana signature doesn't want to assassinate, however, there's still no reason to let down my guard' Rio thought as he got up from his bed and opened the door with his guard up