Revered Magus Chapter 67 – Weapon Hunt (4)

Although he was sure no one would do anything to him due to him working in the Auction house, that doesn't mean he wants to make enemies with powerful figures, it wouldn't be hard to discard him outside the Auction House, so no matter who it is this particular person was exceptionally meekly

"Miss, a noble from the Hyuser family is here requesting a higher-up," The attendant said in a rush afraid to offend the noble due to his slowness

Noble kids are known to be very arrogant and the slightest thing could set them off

"The Hyuser family?" The female manager responded in a confused tone wondering what the problem could be

She started walking and the attendant showed the way, whilst they were walking to the noble teen

The manager had a lot of thoughts brewing in her mind, but she came down to three possibilities as to why noble kids would be here

One was to cause unnecessary trouble, as a business, they have already seen a lot of these, so the manager knows how to handle it well

The second reason may be to ask for the auction list, nobles would attempt to buy the secret auction list to see whether they should save up more or buy early

Naturally, everybody is giving an auction list at the start of the auction, and the items aren't privy to the public, however, there's usually a set of secret items after items that the public knows of are gone

Some powerful people were regretful of spending so much prior to this that they didn't have enough money to compete with the competitors, and the people who didn't spend much either by not showing interest or already possessing the item, would go all out buying the surprise item and leave satisfied

The last reason is the invitation, the venue has been sold out, naturally, people have been waiting for this month prior to the set date, however, when the invitation sold out, there would be some people who would try to buy their way in or use their authority to get in

Some worked and some didn't, the auction house wasn't stupid to fill every single seat, they'd left some openings just in case

Those three cases are the most common ones, and luckily the manager was well versed in this, The first reason, depending on the noble, is to be patient he will vent, maybe compensate a little, and if he takes it too far kick him out, The Myriad Auction House didn't need to be fearful towards the noble houses apart of it was a marquis or a duke

the second reason, is saying no, giving a private list, would reduce revenue since people would want to save for the end, people attempted it, but the year they didn't do the surprise auction, people were regretful

The third reason, depending on the rank or money they may have a possibility of getting an auction, however, the money isn't anything small to joke about

So, the manager was already armed with years of experience and was ready for any occasion that someone came here and started making trouble

When the manager came to Matilda to find out what was the problem, as expected it was one of the main three problems, and naturally, the manager knew the Hyuser family was a marquis family, so she led Matilda into a room to further discuss how to remedy the problem

About an hour later, both of them showed relieved and happy expressions on their faces as they walked out of the room

Matilda got a VIP ticket and the Myriad Auction House sold one of their precautionary spots for a very high price, a good day for everybody

When everything was resolved, Matilda made her way back to the core area of Solia City, where part of her family resides

The Hyuser bought a large estate in Solia City, so their descendants could go to the Academy without the worry of being homesick

Although her father and Mother were back in their territory, Matilda had her siblings and relatives residing in the estate

After Solia came back to the estate at night, she ran into a couple of relatives and exchanged pleasantries before dismissing Ruth and going to bed, awaiting tomorrow, when she could get a rapier that befitted her caliber

The next day arrived both Rio and Matilda woke up and went about their day, Rio waiting until noon when the auction started and Matilda making sure Ruth packed all the spirit stones she had

An hour before noon, civilians, shop owners, and the like could see a vast amount of people going to the city Centre With luxurious carriages

Some people in the city how already grown numb to this since they've seen this seen in the past years, however, people who aspired to be wealthy or powerful could resist the feeling of being in awe

Noon came and one could see a large number of people pouring into the auction house, naturally the VIPs were already in their private booths either sipping on tea or wine and enjoying lavish delicacies

It took around one hour to get everybody seated and settled, as everybody was anticipating the auction, they were not a hard crowd to control

The auctioneer looked at his pocket watch and the estimated time of when he expected everything to be settled was within range of his expectations

Naturally, he did the normal 'welcome esteemed guest speech' although the VIPs didn't put any mind to this, the people on the lower floor, couldn't help but feel proud of themselves.

The thought of entering here and being able to participate in this kind of auction made them feel a sense of achievement

Rio and Matilda were naturally part of the VIPs in their own independent booth, the Auction went smoothly, and Rio was keeping an eye out for anything that might be useful, after this tournament, Rio was thinking of setting out to find this Lost City of Altheim

However, nothing caught his eyes, anything that showed up was something he could make or something useless to him.

On the other hand, Matilda didn't care about anything but the rapier that Rio mentioned, she found some things that would interest her, however, she knew her objective and didn't get tempted by those things

An hour passed, and the people in the Auction had mixed expressions of both excitement and dejection

After a period of time past, the melodic sentence that left the auctioneer's mouth flowed into Matilda's ears

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you another rare piece made by the mysterious artificer you all know," The auctioneer said as he analyzed the crowd's reaction when he saw the gleam in their eyes and all of them anticipating the next words

'What weapon is it going to be?'

'A sword?'

'A spear?'

'A shield would be amazing!'

All of them were anticipating the weapon it would be.

'"A runic Rapier!! There are 3 runes placed on this exquisite weapon" The Auctioneer's gaze was still analyzing their reaction, however, the sight made him disgruntled

"It seems he wasn't lying, there really is a Runic Rapier being auctioned, I didn't know he had such connections," Matilda thought regarding Rio in a higher manner

The reaction of the crowd wasn't impressive at all, usually, when such a quality runic weapon was shown, the bidders would be waiting at the edge of their seats to see what kind of qualities it has and be ready to start bidding as soon as he shouted the starting price

However, the sight in front of him was different, the auctioneer naturally didn't expect the crowd to be as excited as with other common weapons such as a saber or sword but isn't this to lackluster

The auctioneer continued the description of the rapier. "Most of you know this rune, due to the artificer commonly using this rune on his weapon, The first rune embedded into this weapon is the rune of durability

For those who don't know, this rune, makes the weapon tougher and more durable, however, this rune is of a higher quality than your normal artificers, those who previously managed to get their hands on one of the weapons can probably vouch for this". Some people nodded as they heard the tales

The auctioneer then moved on to the next rune. "The next rune is the rune of regeneration, this rune will naturally take mana from the surroundings and revert the rapier back to its pristine condition, after a set period of time

In the unlikely situation that it's broken, for example in half, you can naturally gather all the pieces of the weapon and piece it back together, naturally, this will take longer

As long as it's not totally or critically destroyed, the rapier will mend itself with time"

The description of the rune made everyone's ears perk up, although they weren't interested in the weapon this rune sounded very convenient, they would need to take it to a blacksmith to repair it

This especially made a certain girl with blond hair in a VIP booth excited, 'all the rapiers that kept breaking, would it not be solved with these two runes?' She thought with a smile on her face