Revered Magus Chapter 71- Departure (Academy Arc End)

She thought then glanced to the sky and instantly flew to the sky, as high as she could

'Damn, Rio thought and followed as close to her as possible, although you could see her shadow from the ground, there was no way to cover the distance of the shadow that she wouldn't easily dodge

'Then there's only one thing left to do…physical fight' Rio grinned

[ Barrier ]

A barrier instantly appeared in front of Eli, Eli easily shattered it with a piercing wind spell, not slowing her down at all

'I can't let her escape, she's seen too much' Rio instantly started barraging her with instant casted Fire spears, Rio needed to reach he no matter what

Eli felt the mana fluctuation and heat from Rio's spell and instantly put up a wind barrier that easily blocked it, well it did at first, but the barrage didn't stop