Revered Magus Chapter 73 - Blackwater Town

In a city that was about twice as big as Santos City, the street was bustling and the air held an atmosphere of joy, there was a blue-haired mage heading toward the center of the large city

As she was heading toward the large infrastructure at the center of the city, many street vendors would approach her for sale; fruits, sweets, clothing, jewelry, etc.

However, at this moment she didn't have any other goal than to reach her destination

After about 10 minutes of walking, she managed to reach the large infrastructure

A place where mage masters were guarding the castle against all sides in white and golden robes holding various weapons from spears to swords to Halberds and more

She walked toward the humongous gate and showed the badge

The guard took the badge and embedded some mana into it, before looking at the mage, nodding, handing back the badge, and opening the gate