Revered Magus Chapter 85 - Unknown Room

Rio tried to look at the place that was shot, however, before he could even turn his head, his body instinctively moved once again and a red beam narrowly passed by his chest

Just like that 4 devices kept shooting beams at Rio as he tried his best to avoid it

If one was to look at this scene, one would find something that resembled a laser party

'These beams are annoying, I need to get rid of them' Rio looked at the four devices

"There's no use, your mana flow is blocked, you can't cast spells, you can't do anything except run, eventually you will be hit by one, it just determines how you keep up" the patriarch mocked

The edge of Rio's lips curled up as he looked up at a certain spot on the ceiling, Rio saw a little indiscernible lightbulb surrounded by chandeliers

If one didn't look closely, one would not have been able to notice it, however, this whole time dodging the beams, Rio has been trying to find the core of the formation