Revered Magus Chapter 90 – Basilisk Sword

"Haha, naturally, you can't offend the wrong person due to your ignorance, let me know how I can enlighten you, young man, so you don't end up stepping on the wrong person's feet"

"They said the Emperor is in a tight bind about who to name the successor, do you know anything about it?" Rio asked

"Ahh, that issue, that issue has been an internal problem since the third prince was born, the Emperor favors his eldest son, however, he is regardless, a son of a concubine, it would have been fine if the third prince didn't come into being, but alas, he did" Senior shook his head in annoyance

"The third prince, is the only legitimate prince, so it's only common sense to let him be the crown prince, but the emperor keeps delaying it, we the Shang clan won't rest until the legitimate hair is rightfully placed in his position" determination could be heard from his voice