Revered Magus Chapter 97 - Almost got involved

After the Knight heard this, he opened the door, yet, he didn't walk in, he simply stood by the door, indicating for Rio to enter

Rio took a couple of steps forward, entering the personal space of the knight, and turned his neck to see inside the room

Inside he saw a wine-red setting with two "thrones" facing toward the arena ring

Rio saw two people sitting comfortably with wine in their hands, once he saw this, he decided to enter the room, however, he just stood by the door

After a couple of seconds, the pair realized that Rio wasn't in front of them kneeling, which made them lift their brows

The girl a bit of annoyance was shown on her face, but, the second prince showed a curiosity

"Please come closer," the second prince asked, after a short while of hesitation, Rio entered

The hesitation wasn't from respect or fear from them but from wariness