Revered Magus Chapter 101 - ESCAPE TIME!   

Without hesitation, Rio lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air, aimed with precision and determination.


But the brawny man effortlessly blocked the attack with his imposing weapon. the clash of metal echoing throughout the arena, drawing gasps and awe from the crowd 


Undeterred, Rio pressed on, utilizing speed and agility to his advantage. He darted around his opponent, landing quick and calculated strikes, aiming for weaknesses in the hulking man's defense. Each blow was swift, yet the brawny man's endurance seemed limitless, his powerful muscles absorbing the impacts, barely flinching.


Suddenly, the brawny man unleashed a devastating counterattack, his axe swinging with bone-crushing force. Rio, caught off guard, barely deflected the attack in the nick of time, feeling the tremors of the brute strength behind it. The force sent him stumbling backward, struggling to regain his balance.