Revered Magus Chapter 108 - Test of Resolve 

Roots erupted from the ground, intertwining and forming a natural barricade between her and the oncoming veteran. The veteran's sword clashed against the impervious shield of wood and foliage, unable to penetrate the fortress of nature.

Amidst the clash and clash of steel, Freya seized the opportunity to draw upon her plant magic once more. The vibrant red flowers burst into bloom around her, their petals opening and releasing a calming fragrance. The scent enveloped the air, reaching the veteran's nostrils. His stoic mood faltered slightly as a sense of tranquility seeped into his bones, momentarily pacifying his heavy bloodlust.


Taking advantage of this brief respite, Freya channeled her nature magic. Gentle tendrils of vines flowed from the floor, embracing the veteran's wounds and penetrating them, increasing his pain. The cuts and scars began to expand as blood spurred out in volume