Revered Magus Chapter 128 - Alliance Leader 

Rio didn't need that so he knows he probably won't ever go there, so he could decide to go back home to the Santos Empire or go to the Weiss Empire, if he joined an organization, they would have better things and recourses befitting a Magus Ranked powerhouse 

However, on the other hand, he had things to finish off in the Santos Empire, Rio wasn't petty enough to kill everyone who looked at him the wrong way, but it would be best to get rid of everyone he considered a threat

Like the High Elder, Second prince, and especially the second prince, the last one wasn't much of a threat feeling, but he just felt annoyed when he thought of him 

Rio decided it would probably be best to go back to Santos since at his speed it would take much time to go to Weiss at all, maybe a couple of days from Santos to Weiss 

Rio followed the map where the Santos Empire teleportation was and did the same process, taking around 5 minutes to complete the formation