Revered Magus Chapter 135 - The Ruin

"Don't fret on our name Mayor Donovan, we are only here for a good time not a long time, soon we will set off, first we wish for the finest delicacies you have to offer along with your best booze" Amelia said heartily

"Of course, miss, I have already ordered someone to tell the best chef to start preparing, I'm sure you will find the dishes to your liking" the mayor reassured reviewing an acknowledging nod from Amelia

Eventually, the group reached the mayor's abode, clearly being the biggest building in this town, however, none of them were impressed, they've seen much bigger buildings for less important things

"This is even smaller than our equipment storage" Amelia once again said, reaching the mayor's ear, his eyes twitched when he heard that

However, he wasn't annoyed with what she said 'So they're a force of some sort, they must've have ulterior motives' he thought

The mayor welcomed them into this abode guiding them toward the dining area