Revered Magus Chapter 137 – A Dangerous Knight

After promptly reaching the area with no encounters as Shein reported, Amelia stepped up and crouched just out of the range of the green fog that was emitted from a dark cave

She whisked her hand as if wanting to fan the green fog to her nose in order to smell and identify it

She eventually got up walked away and popped a pill into her mouth

"It's poison, more specifically the decomposition poison, it makes any living thing it encompasses slowly rot until they're nothing but bone after some time the bones start to decompose as well" Amelia identified and reported the knowledge to the group

"So what do we do? Do you have some pill that can give us resistance?" Drake questioned

"Good news and bad news, which would you like to hear first?" Amelia rubbed her head

"I like good news" Astra surprisingly spurted out