Revered Magus Chapter 142 - Encounter with a Strange Man

"Father!" A young girl wearing beast skin who was around the age of 14-15 called for her father

"Aiyana!" The man on top of the bear climbed down with a smile and hugged his daughter

Take him into the room and feed him some body-revitalizing potion

"Tsk, this guy only smiles when he sees his daughter" someone said as another laughed

The girl looked at the boy on top of the bear curiously and nodded her head

She approached the bear and rubbed his face gently which the bear seemed to love as he closed his eyes in satisfaction

"Come on Po, let's go help this strange man" The bear followed Aiyana

Aiyana exited from hut and saw he father approaching

"Father, who is that?" Aiyana asked

"Someone who fell from the sky" he replied

Aiyana's eyes shone "really?"

He shook his head and pointed where the rift was "he came out of the rift that appeared"

Aiyana saw the rift, but she didn't see someone falling from it