Revered Magus Chapter 164 - Power is strength

Rio followed Errol while keeping track on his system map, there were no other dots apart from the drunkards, homeless, and guards

Eventually, they reached the large shop and entered, Errol immediately led Rio to the second floor, where Branch Leader Sven was

As soon as they entered the room, Errol made a dash to his master and shouted out

"My lord, this demon massacred every single guard I took with me, we must take him down immediately" Rio didn't mind this and watched casually

Branch Leader Sven slowly raised his head up and seeing the injured Errol was baffled and looked at the figure behind him

Without a word, several guards jumped from the room and one had heavy pressure on him

Branch Leader Sven merely put his head back down at this stack of paper as if it was no longer any of his concern

Errol looking at the lord's confidence and the high-ranking Bronze guard, also joined in to ensure his death