Revered Magus Chapter 167 - Leaving for Capital

"Sincerity, ah, I can help you create a better potion that you were working on" Kanur was thinking about Rio's world energy pill

"Seems you not truly sincere" Rio wasn't interested in that, he would be able to figure that out sooner or later

"Okay, what about a dark fire spell" The dragon realizing Rio was Rio was unpleased, tempted, and tempted Rio was

"Not sincere enough" Rio knew he could get something more so he suppressed his temptation

"Not sincere? Ah, what about a way to unlock your bloodline?" Kanur was tempted once more

Rio remembered the previous conversation with Kanur and the bloodline abilities he could get

"Fine, I'll take all of these, what do you want?" Rio asked

"All three? Look at this shameless brat" Kanur mumbled within the amulet not letting Rio hear him

"Simply break the seal, that's all I want" Kanur said