Revered Magus Chapter 173 - Keith Vs Julio

Rio did as the recipe instructed him to, however, the potion became unstable and exploded the second time

Although he failed, he didn't get disheartened, Rio saw that the color was wrong and had to start again

The third time Rio was able to finish the memory-boosting pill, however, the purity level was only at 65%

Rio had to start all over again, fortunately, it didn't seem like his opponent was fairing too well either

The fourth time, Rio succeeded in making the potion is the time of forty minutes, if Rio had been against someone talented he probably would've lost, Rio assumed that the guy had given up but Rio always tried as hard as he could

Rio informed the official, and Rio's match was concluded, Rio's opposition left the venue while Rio started cultivating once more

Now there were only ten people left, however, unlike before, the contestants would be able to see each other