Revered Magus Chapter 175 - Recruiting

As soon as the physician left, Adrian created a soundproof bubble using his world energy

"I aim to become the next emperor, I want you to be my sword and rise to the top with me, I don't only want to stop there, I want to go further, I want you beside me, and in return, I will tell you your origin" Adrian proposed a deal to Keith

Keith scrunched his brows in thought, after a while, he looked back at the prince

"You say you want to be emperor, why sought me out specifically"

"Naturally, I will scout when I see someone with potential, I even plan on scouting Julio, but I believe you have greater potential than him" Adrian answered

Keith hated being bound down, but he really wanted to know his origin, he grew a sort of curiosity about it after seeing Arios's determination to hide it