Revered Magus Chapter 196 - Disabled Prince

Rio looked again at the system analysis


Name: Roy Zephyr

Rank: Copper Knight

Physique: 0.3

Energy: N/A

Mind: 0.1

Soul: N/A

Trait: Innate Blocked Pathways

"Why do you absorb so little world energy?" Rio asked to see if he was aware

"The imperial physician said I had blocked pathways" Prince Roy said

'So he's aware' Rio thought

"Then why don't you use some miracle drug to unblock it?" Rio asked knowing a lot of herbs that could solve this problem

"We've tried, at this point, my body is filled with so many medicinal herbs used to unblock pathways, however, it is of no use" Prince Roy said dispiritedly

'It probably has something to do with the innate part' Rio did a quick guess

"Since you can't do much about your situation, why don't you just live a comfortable life? Your father is the Grand Prince after all" Rio questioned his life choices