Revered Magus Chapter 205 - Your Highness

"I thought Your Highness was trying to befriend him?" Alvin said

"I am, do as I say, make sure there are no casualties" Adrian left his words before entering his carriage

Not long later, Adrian got into the carriage and departed to his Grandparent's house

'I'll turn twelve soon' Adrian sighed as he looked at the bustling street of the capital

Not long later, he arrived at his grandparents' house, Geoffrey announced to Adrian and called out to open the gates

The servants gradually opened the door providing a way for Adrian to enter Marquis Lowe's Estate

As Adrian was walking further inside, he could even get into the main courtyard before both his grandparents came out

"Adrian!" His grandfather called out in joy resulting in Adrian instinctively smiling

"Grandfather, Grandmother, how have you both been?" Adrian asked

"We would be feeling much better if you visited more often" Marchioness walked towards Adrian to pick him up