Revered Magus Chapter 213 - Recovering

Two deep gashes on his chest, a deep cut on his leg, at least 8 broken ribs, fractures basically all around his body, and not forgetting the obvious black marks on his body caused by the punches and kicks

The Emperor looked at Carpe with a meaningful look, Carpe understanding what the emperor wanted, he could only sigh helplessly and created a clone that started to tend to Rio's wounds

While these three old figures were looking over at Rio in a somewhat joyful atmosphere, the same thing can't be said for the remaining members of the battleground

Everyone was still confused, they had no idea what to think of the situation, when the battle was about to reach its peak, the head of the bureau came and took one of the fighters, the fighter attacked him with no hesitation, and the Head then decided to put the fighter to sleep and abduct him…

Everyone clearly saw what happened, but they were speechless, they didn't even know what to do