Revered Magus Chapter 218 - Acceptance

"Can I ask a question?" Ricky's eyes seem to sparkle a bit

"Sure" Rio nodded in approval

"How were you able to enter use Embodiment?" Ricky asked

"How about you?" Rio returned the question

"Fair enough, it was rash" Ricky acknowledged his mistake in prying into people's secrets, however, he knew that Rio's way of reaching embodiment was different from his

The reason? Due to the patterns that weren't present when Rio used Embodiment

"Let me introduce myself once more, My name is Ricky Dubois, Leader of the black gloves, son of the head of the bureau"

"Adopted" Mariam coughed

"Although I respect your strength, I don't intend to lick your shoes, if you think about it, you lost since you were taken away" Ricky continued while momentarily glaring at Mariam

"Lost?" Rio internally counted it as his loss, however, he had to save face in front of others, if he were to have such a rebellious underling, wouldn't life be hard