Revered Magus Chapter 220 - First Job

'Luckily, Consort Nyx had a sister-like bond with my mother, having her as support would make things a lot easier, I could probably borrow some artifacts from her' Adrian relished the thought of using her earring that covered her entire ear

'If I could use that, changing my appearance would be as easy as switching socks' Adrian thought

"But, that's If you can make it there" Arianna remarked

"Don't worry, I can" Adrian replied

"Then, I'll rely on you regarding my appearance when I get there" Adrian said

Arianna paused for a second in thought as she nodded in agreement with these conditions as well

"Let's talk inside, I haven't seen you in so long" Arianna made a pouty face as if Adrian might run away after getting what he came for

'That was indeed the plan, however, I can't do that now, regardless, it isn't bad to build a deeper connection with her as we grow up' Adrian recalled a scene from before his regression