Revered Magus Chapter 228 - Abandon Ship

"Do you know how to fly a bird?" Rio asked Odeus receiving a helpless head-shake

Rio sighed got on the eagle with Odeus and was launched up into the air

Rio grabbed the reigns of the bird and started controlling it as if a horse

Rio had no control of the eagle regardless of whether he tried to turn the eagle on or not

The eagle was just hovering in mid-air as if waiting for introductions

"How do you get this bird moving?" Rio mumbled

"I've heard you need to imbue energy and send a sort of message to bond with it" Odeus relayed what information he had

"Message? Like what?" Rio asked reviewing a shoulder shrug from Odeus

'Bond' Rio thought as he sent some energy to the eagle, receiving no response apart from the golden patterns briefly brightening up momentarily

"Kid, try "Obey" But say If from your soul" Kanur advised