Chapter 2.

*Huh...? What the hell? This dream is just too realistic.* I thought as I kept following the man. I wanted to speak with him but he looked too stern so I couldn't start speaking to him. We reached a very big building and he told me to go in that the others are in.

"Huh? I don't get it but okay." I said walking into the building.

"I really don't get what the hell's going on." I heard a guy say when I walked in.

*What-the-fuck?* I thought looking around. The hall was bigger than building I've ever seen in my entire life and many people were there, they looked mostly my age.

"Good day, students, I guess." A man with long beard and glasses said smiling at us.

"What the hell's going here old man?!" A guy with an afro shouted on top of his voice as the others joined in.

"Old man." The man started before shaking his head. "You guys might be wondering what the hell you are doing here, but... I also don't know the reason." He said as they began shouting again.

"Then let us out!"


"As I was saying, I'd like to welcome you all to SW East. Our city is just based off soccer and we need your help." He said as they began murmuring.

"Soccer.....? What lame ass lie." Tye afro kid said as they began laughing.

"Well, we won't beg for your help, instead we would get it forcefully." He said as they all turned to him. "You all would be assigned a 12 man team. We would provide your coach for you on our own."

"Shut the fuck up old man!" The afro guy shouted. "What the hell's gonna happen if we refuse?" He asked.

"You know, you really piss me off." He said looking at the afro guy.


"So you aren't gonna help us?" The man asked shutting his eyes.

"I won't, this is bull shit." He said.

"I hate people that talk alot, but most of all I hate fools. Here's what happen to those who don't agree." He said and with the speed of lightning, he shot the boy dead. "Now that's what happens when you refuse." He said as everyone gasped.

"Oh my God!!" Some girls screamed closing their eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't use this aimlessly. I only use it on people that get on my nerves." He said smiling.

"A bullet just passed through his damn head." A boy said.

*Damn, this is madness.* I thought.

"Bow, to explain the rules." He started before looking around. "Before I forget, you guys all have a replacement in your world."


"What I mean is.... someone that would be you in your world."

*What nonsense is going on here?*

"And we would keep providing for your educational needs. You'd go to school normally here but soccer would take up your time. You have everything your world offered you, education, a home, food, your belongings and all." He said. No one tried speaking up cause of the previous horror. "Now, pick up the phones on your pockets and look through the details." He said as I put my hand in my pocket and brought out a smartphone.

*Last I checked, I didn't have any.* I thought checking it out.

"You'd be able to find your new homes with this, for now, forget your world and move on. You few free days before we start fully, thank you." As he stepped down, people began murmuring and sighing.

I looked at my map and kept going to find my 'new home'

*Might not be too different from the one I stayed in.* I thought, my hands in my pocket. I never really cared since I had the stuffs I needed.

*WHAT THE ACTUAL FREAKING HELL?!!!* I thought looking at the house. It was very large, not large. Extra large. It had a very large field and compound.

*Whoa, so I'll be living here alone.* was what I thought before walking into the house.

"What? Why do you have to stay in the same room with me, eh.... Jun, eh?" A guy with a pompadour asked. He was uo the stairs with another guy.

*What was I thinking, these people are monsters.* I thought standing in the sitting room.

"Oh, hey another room mate." A girl said smiling and walking towards me.

"Wait, he's the last one that means... he'd be staying with one of the girls!!" The guy called Jun said as they both gasped. I didn't really get nor did I want to get what they were saying so I just stood there watching them.

"Well, seems like it." The man that welcomed me said walking towards us.

"Lucky." A boy said walking towards us. "Am Tanaka Akaji, welcome." He said smiling.

"Atsushi, Oshiba Atsushi." I replied.

"Kimishita Kiichi." The pompadour guy said.

"Yusuke Nakamura." The pompadours' roommate said.

"Yamazake Akane." The girl that approached me first said.

"Tamura Hinami."

"Sugawara Misaki."

"Hayashi Chika."

"Ueta Suzune, seems like I'd be your roommate." The last girl said looking away. "I would kill you if you tried any funny thing." She continued.

*I don't think I'd want to have anything with some girl I don't know, talk less of someone with a flat chest.* I thought.

"Well, the other members went to get somethings ready." Tanaka said.

"Oh, nice to meet you all." I said as we all looked at each other without speaking.


"W-well, I think we should leave you to go see your room." Hayashi said as they smiled.


The flat chested girl took me to the room which was really beautiful, maybe in her fashion sense. I looked at the room irritated. She had placed pink things everywhere.

"Am sorry if it's a bother." She said as I nodded disapprovingly before dropping my phone on the bed.

"Well, I'd leave you to it." She said walking out.

"Wow, this place is really cool." I said placing my hand on the window, I could see many buildings from up there.

*Adunno, but I kinda feel safe here, I don't really know why.* I thought taking off my shirt.

"Um hey Oshiba-San." Hayashi began before cutting herself short. She stood staring down at my stomach with mouth wide open.


"Oh, sorry." She said looking away immediately.

"No, it's no problem." I said putting on a t-shirt.

"Just wanted to tell you we were having a quick meeting with the coach soon. Bye." She said hurrying away.

*Her face was beet red..... did I do anything wrong, or is she sick?* I thought putting on my shorts.