Chapter 4

As they say, book lovers aren't nerds, they are just people who respect books. For me, I might as well worship books.

My favourite author of all time is Jacqueline Wilson. Her books have the colourful vibes, may seem childish but they are fun.

The bell goes after 30 minutes reading into 'The Story Of Tracy Beaker '.

I was getting into the interesting part, I sigh and use my index finger to calmly hit the book shut like how you would try to weigh an object accurately.

The chair slids backward and i get up, return the book to the shelf and walk towards the door.

I sit at the window with a total see through of the corridor so anyone going out or coming in can easily be noticed by me.

A dark (with a touch of ginger) hair coloured boy with is standing next to our Physics teacher, he has straight perfect hair and you can barely see half his neck, he's putting on a black t-shirt - it looks like he might be putting on a chain.

He's wearing black pants and has Nike shoes on. I can only see his back but not the front, it definitely looked like he was talking to her. I tilt my head sideways but end up getting distracted by the Eco-friendly video being played.

"There are a lot of ways we can help the environment, there are climate changes, floods, and different occurrence. Lets take an example, Bees, Bees are highly needed in our environment..."

My head slids back to the corridor..., he's nowhere to be found.

I look forward and the sight that awaited me was truly surreal.

"YOU!" I shout, the whole class stares.

"Any problem?, that's not how we welcome someone." Mrs Sandrine says

I whisper a silent sorry but i soon get distracted looking at the boy.

"Hi, I'm Kevin Carter and I'm joining the class today" he says

"that's pretty much it."

Throughout the class, i stare at him, well, he sits closer to Katelyn and my intrusive thoughts tell me she's tryna get close to him.

The bell goes for break, everyone immediately move close to... Carter I guess, he gives the baffled look, I give a smirk.

Voices arise.

"Hi, I'm Charlie Crownfield".

"I'm Stanley Trevor, d'you like basketball I'm a big fan, i really wanna become a professional, do you play it?, did you watch last match, who's your favourite team?".

"Uh, basketball, boooring, how about swimming, have you ever tried a large slide, how about watching a match?, by the way, I'm Priscillia, I..."

Katelyn interrupted by a throat clearing, everyone looks behind, she walks to Carter

"Hi, I'm Katelyn, Katelyn McKenzie".

"Mc..., you mean the brand".He asks

"No, technically it's not the brand, surnames increase your humanity rate to some". Amy says.

Everyone watches, Katelyn looked like a tomato about to explode. Priscillia, obviously steps in " And what may you mean by that?, she doesn't have a humanity?".

Katelyn stamps her feet and leaves, i stamp my lips and smile.

I hear Alice whisper to Tina "Talk about a backfired help mission".

Everyone sits and some others go out, everyone take turns imitating Katelyn as the boy slides away from his desk.

"Hi, I'm Kevin, and you must be...., let me take a guess..."

Why?, why was he talking to me. I look to him.

"I know you're Kevin, thanks, what do you think?, you're a mentalism?"

I get up to leave and don't even look back, I could just go into the next classroom for biology but why did my blood boil when he stepped into the classroom, it was like I got a deja-vu.

I try my possible best avoiding Carter for the whole day, he was definitely not socially awkward but awkwardly social, I passed by the hallway and heared how he was describing when he poured eggs into a car engine to see what would happen. 'Weird'.

When the bell went, I limped to the school building's door, I just had P.E. practice and I didn't feel any part of my body.

Just then, a Porsche passed right in front of me, how?, I had never seen one, but this one looked familiar, the face inside was more familiar, the exact position.

A butler driving, and a boy sitting, a boy I know, Clantar!.

He was that brat, the one whose car splashed water on my outfit, I paided heavily for it since mom said my style was way too basic. We were allowed to wear uniforms or whatever you chose to.

But anyway this guy, to be honest, I forgot his name though, but I swear I'll kill him when next I saw him.

I spent the whole night thinking about plans to get back to that brat, I was not in the right mind but after hours, I found just the right plan for him. I slept with a grin.

The next day, I arrived an hour early in the pretense of helping the cleaners. I then slid off to the old science classroom.

Students hardly went in there, it was old and now just for storing some chemicals, no student will obviously go in since they all believe the story a year 11 shared about a ghost in there, the boy had graduated from the school but the effect of his dumb ghost story still existed.

I reached into my bag and brought out a

pink food coloring, I had brought a bowl of water earlier, I reached for it and poured the coloring into it. I smiled

"It's payback time, Mr. Cranta or Canda, whatever".

I had seen these in movies and they worked exceptionally, mine would. If my bad luck wouldn't interfere.

I climb a stool and fix the door to the right position for the bowl to stay on it, I was already imagining my plan working, I grin.

I step down in triumph singing 'I'm just ken' in my head.

For the whole day, I couldn't wait till it was time. I went into the classroom straight to Cla... the brat.

"You're needed in the old science lab". I walk away.

He shouts out.

"Where's the old science lab?"

"The..., it's not good. The place is hunted and out of bounds for humans". Loveth exclaims.

"No, that's infact a propaganda. The place is out of bounds, true but hunted..., it's not. Do you think no one would have seen the ghost all this time. Y'all are just so dumb". Charlie rolls his eyes.

"Don't call me dumb, smarty pants, someone did see it"

"I never called you that, and how will one person say he saw a ghost and hundreds of others believe. You called yourself dumb for obvious reasons".

The brat looks at me while loveth and Charlie kept battling.

"Take me there, then".

"Why should I?" I ask

"Because you're supposed to, duhh"

I shrug and walk away.


He tries to talk to me on the way but I'm only concerned about the bowl of paint.

"I have to stop here, I..I.. I'm helping with cleaning and it'll burn if I don't..." I cover my face.

"Turn right, the last room in the hallway".

I could be good at anything but not lying, ahh.

My heart kept beating fast imagining the sight when he comes in the lesson with pink, all over.

It had been a long time, too long, I decide to check. I walk towards the library when someone taps me, I shriek before looking at who it was.


"It's Carter, actually"

"No, not that...."

"Oh, my name's Kevin".

"Not the name, aren't you supposed to be..."

A scream comes from down the hallway, I rush down and then steps away, from the old science lab. There's someone, drowning in pink water, it's not Carter, definitely not Carter.

It could have been anyone else, anyone, I see the Louis Vuitton bag, the exact one Katelyn uses. I feel my life flash before my eyes as my whole body goes numb.