The attack

We see The team as they were back on the bridge. Outside were tons of Oxtywraiths and see how they look.

The Oxtywraiths had strange humanoid appearances with unsettling proportions. Their bodies were dark, almost shadow-like, with glowing red lines tracing their forms, pulsing with a sinister energy. Their eyes burned with an eerie red light, and their movements were both fluid and erratic, making them even more unsettling.

"H-how did they get here?!" Kryzius exclaimed, his voice filled with shock.

Another boom resonated through the ship, and on the big screen, they saw five flying jets approaching. However, these jets were different; they had the same dark color and red glowing lines as the Oxtywraiths.

Aeti turned to Kryzius, her face grim. "Oxtywraiths can turn into various forms, including machinery. They're not just monsters; they're highly adaptable and incredibly dangerous."

Alex clenched his fists, understanding the severity of the threat. "We need to take them down before they breach the ship."

"Agreed," Aeti replied. "All units, prepare to engage. Focus fire on those jets before they get too close!"

Rina pointed at the bow. "And what about them?!"

Sara removed her two blades from her hip. "We will take those down." She turned to Kryzius. "Captain, what's the plan?"

Kryzius jumped a little, taken aback. "The plan…? Uhm…" He looked outside and then at the team. He needed to be useful or else he would never gain their trust. As he looked outside, a strange feeling came over him.

"Alright," Kryzius said, his voice steadying as he formulated the plan. "Sara, Alex, Yamaha, Darius, and Z-43, you will take the bow and help the other soldiers hold the line there. Ensure none of the enemies breach our defenses."

He then turned to Rina and Liora. "Rina, Liora, you will take the jets. Provide air support and keep those enemy aircraft from getting too close to the ship. Use the jets' speed and firepower to our advantage."

Everyone nodded, understanding their roles. Kryzius took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination. "Let's move out and protect The Thanatos!"

Aeti, standing beside him, smiled warmly as she looked at Kryzius. There was a strange familiarity and nostalgia in her gaze.

"You did well, Master," she said softly. "It felt just like old times."

Kryzius glanced at her, feeling a mixture of emotions. "Thanks, Aeti. I hope I can live up to his legacy."

She nodded, her smile unwavering. "You already are. Let's make sure we get through this together."

Aeti, standing beside him, smiled warmly as she looked at Kryzius. There was a strange familiarity and nostalgia in her gaze.

"You did well, Master," she said softly. "It felt just like old times."

Kryzius glanced at her, feeling a mixture of emotions. "Thanks, Aeti. I hope I can live up to his legacy."

She nodded, her smile unwavering. "You already are. Let's make sure we get through this together."

He turned to face the window again, ready to lead his team into battle and protect The Thanatos from the looming threat.


Sara and the others arrived at the bow, where the Oxtywraiths had multiplied and were viciously attacking the soldiers. Blood and screams filled the air as the monstrous creatures brutally assaulted their comrades.

Sara was the first to charge into the fray, her twin blades flashing as she expertly sliced through the nearest Oxtywraith. Black ichor sprayed from its wounds as it collapsed. 

Alex followed closely, wielding his enormous sword with brutal efficiency. He swung the blade in wide arcs, cleaving through the thick hides of multiple Oxtywraiths at once. "Keep pushing them back!" he shouted over the din of battle.

Yamaha, his orange fur a blur, unleashed deadly precision with his odachi. Each strike was lethal, cutting down enemies with swift, controlled movements. "Focus on their weak points!" he called out, his calm voice guiding the others.

Darius charged forward, his fists glowing with immense power. Each punch sent shockwaves through the air, obliterating any Oxtywraiths in his path.

Z-43 moved with incredible speed, darting between the enemies and striking with lightning-fast precision. He was a blur of motion, delivering rapid blows that incapacitated the Oxtywraiths before they could react. "We've got this, just keep them off balance!" he urged, his movements a whirlwind of destruction.

Despite the chaos and bloodshed, their determination never wavered. Sara led the charge, her blades a whirlwind of steel as she cut down enemy after enemy.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers' morale lifted, bolstered by the sight of their leaders fighting so fiercely. They rallied, pushing back against the onslaught with renewed vigor.

Sara, her face smeared with the black ichor of the Oxtywraiths, looked around at her team. "We're turning the tide! Keep pushing, don't let them break through!"

In the air, the battle was just as intense. Rina and Liora piloted their jets with skill and precision, engaging the enemy aircraft.

Rina had a huge grin on her face as she shot down one enemy jet after another. "HAHAHA, TAKE THAT, FUCKERS!!" she yelled, her laughter echoing through the cockpit.

Meanwhile, Liora glanced at Rina with a concerned look, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke into the comms. "You scare me, Ms. Rina."

Rina cackled. "Girl, shut up! There are more psychos out there than me!"

"I-it doesn't matter!!" Liora stammered, dodging enemy fire and returning shots with careful aim.

Despite her fear, Liora's accuracy was impeccable. She focused on the task at hand, taking down enemy jets with precision. Rina, on the other hand, reveled in the chaos, her aggressive tactics creating openings for Liora to exploit.

Together, their contrasting styles created an effective aerial assault, decimating the enemy forces. The sky around The Thanatos cleared as more and more enemy jets fell to their relentless attack.

"Keep it up, Liora! We're almost there!" Rina shouted, her excitement undiminished.

Liora nodded, her determination shining through her fear. "Roger that, Ms.Rina. Let's finish this."

The two pilots worked in perfect sync, their jets weaving through the air as they continued to shoot down the remaining enemy aircraft.

At the bridge, Kryzius and Aeti stood together, observing the battle through the cameras. Engineers were hard at work, typing furiously on their keyboards and analyzing the ship's damage.

"Captain, the Oxtywraiths have been reduced by 87%," one engineer reported.

"Yes, and the damage to the ship is only at 10%," another added.

Kryzius nodded, relief mingling with determination. "Good. Keep monitoring the situation and ensure all systems are operational. We need to stay on top of this."

Aeti glanced at him, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and concern. "You're doing well, Master. The team is holding strong."

Kryzius took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his responsibility. "We need to keep pushing. Let's make sure we clear out the remaining threats and secure the ship."

He turned back to the screens, watching as Sara and the others continued their fierce battle on the bow, while Rina and Liora dominated the skies. Despite the chaos, there was a sense of unity and purpose among the crew, each member playing their part in defending their ship and their world.

"Keep up the good work, everyone," Kryzius said, his voice steady and resolute. "We're almost there."

In reality, his mind was racing. 'Holy shit… H-how the hell am I so calm about all this, and how am I saying all these things without messing up?!'

He glanced at his hand, wondering if Kryzius's memories were returning faster than he thought.

Suddenly, a weird beeping sound emanated from the console.

Kryzius: "What's going on?"

Aeti looked at her tablet, her expression growing serious. "A strange high energy reading is coming in… and it's definitely not friendly."

Kryzius felt a surge of adrenaline. "All units, be on alert! Prepare for an incoming threat!" He turned to Aeti. "Can we identify it?"

Aeti's fingers flew over her tablet. "Analyzing now… It looks like some kind of high-energy weapon or entity. We need to prepare for the worst."

Kryzius nodded, his earlier fear replaced by a grim determination. "Everyone, brace yourselves. We're about to face something big."

Sara and the others stood in front of the bow, surveying the aftermath of their hard-fought battle against the Oxtywraiths. The ground was littered with the fallen creatures, their black ooze seeping into the soil.

Sara sighed, wiping sweat from her brow. "Alright, team… we did it!"

Alex swung his huge sword with a smirk. "Is it just me, or were those Oxtywraiths stronger than before?"

Yamaha nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is quite strange, but at least we—"

Suddenly, their earbuds crackled to life, and Aeti's voice filled their ears.

"Everyone, be cautious. A strange entity is approaching."

As they listened to Aeti's warning, the black ooze of the Oxtywraiths began to move. Slowly, the puddles of ichor started to converge, forming larger, more ominous shapes in front of them.

Sara's eyes widened with alarm. "What the…?"

The huge Oxtywraiths loomed ominously before Sara and the others, their grotesque forms a chilling sight to behold.

Standing at least ten feet tall, these monstrous entities were a fusion of organic and mechanical elements. Their bodies were covered in slick, black ooze that seemed to pulse with a sinister energy. Jagged metal spikes protruded from their backs, gleaming menacingly in the dim light.

Their heads were twisted and distorted, resembling a twisted amalgamation of animal and machine. Glowing red eyes burned with malice from within their skull-like visages, and razor-sharp metallic teeth lined their gaping maws.

Massive, clawed hands reached out, dripping with the same black ichor that coated their bodies. Each step they took sent tremors through the ground, their heavy footfalls echoing ominously across the battlefield.

The others stood in tense silence as they beheld the towering Oxtywraiths, their weapons gripped tightly in trembling hands.

Darius broke the silence with a grim observation. "This is definitely new…"

At the bridge, Kryzius watched the scene unfold on the monitors, his heart pounding in his chest. "Guys, be careful!" he shouted over the comms, his voice filled with urgency.

With a collective nod, Sara and the team launched themselves into battle once more, their resolve unwavering despite the overwhelming odds.

The Oxtywraiths moved with surprising speed for their massive size, their lumbering forms closing the distance with alarming swiftness. With thunderous roars, they unleashed devastating attacks, their claws slashing through the air and their jaws snapping hungrily.

Sara and Alex fought side by side, their blades flashing as they attempted to fend off the relentless onslaught. But the sheer strength of the Oxtywraiths was overwhelming, and soon both warriors found themselves knocked to the ground, battered and bruised.

Yamaha and Darius unleashed their own formidable powers, striking at the Oxtywraiths with all their might. But even their strength was not enough to overcome the monstrous creatures, and they too suffered heavy injuries in the ferocious melee.

Z-43, with its lightning-fast speed, darted between the Oxtywraiths, delivering swift strikes in an attempt to distract and weaken them. But even its agility was not enough to evade every blow, and it too was struck down, its circuits sparking as it crashed to the ground.

As the battle raged on, each member of the team fought bravely, refusing to back down in the face of adversity. But with each passing moment, their injuries grew more severe, and their strength began to wane.

With grim determination, Sara looked around at her fallen comrades, her heart heavy with despair. 

Despite their valiant efforts, it seemed that victory was slipping further and further from their grasp. But even in their darkest hour, she refused to give up hope. "F-fuck…"

Aeti stood beside Kryzius, her usual nonchalant expression masking the anxiety and fear that gnawed at her insides.

Kryzius remained silent as he watched the desperate battle unfold before him. 'Shit... What should I do?' he thought, his gaze fixed on the screen. Suddenly, he felt a strange surge of energy welling up within him.

'No... I cannot let them die like this...'

"Open the door," Kryzius commanded, his voice firm.

The others turned to look at him, surprise evident in their eyes. Even Aeti hesitated, her usual composed demeanor faltering for a moment. "Master, I don't..." she began, but Kryzius cut her off.

"It's an order," he insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument.

After a moment's hesitation, Aeti nodded silently. "Roger, Master," she replied, her fingers flying over the console as she initiated the sequence to open the door.

As the massive metal doors began to slide open, revealing the vast expanse of space beyond, Kryzius felt a surge of determination wash over him. Whatever lay beyond those doors, he knew that he had to act.

Sara lay on the ground, her friends surrounding her, battered and bruised from the brutal battle with the Oxtywraiths. She clenched her weapon tightly, but her body refused to move. It felt strange, familiar even, as if she had been in this exact situation before—unable to protect her comrades, watching helplessly as they faced their demise.

As the monstrous Oxtywraith raised its massive fist, poised to deliver the final blow, Sara could only think one thing:

 "I'm so weak."

But just as she braced herself for the inevitable impact, nothing came. Instead, she heard a strange booming sound, and when she looked up, she saw something incredible.

Standing before her, his fist raised defiantly against the Oxtywraith, was Captain Kryzius. His presence radiated strength and determination, his muscled arm glowing with a golden light.

In an instant, the atmosphere around them shifted. The fist of the monstrous Oxtywraith began to glow with the same golden light, before exploding in a burst of energy that sent the creature crashing to the ground.

Sara watched in awe as her captain stood victorious, his long cape billowing in the wind. There was a strange familiarity to this scene, as if she had witnessed it before in some distant memory.

But as she looked at Kryzius, she realized that it didn't matter. In this moment, he was their savior, their protector. 

The Oxtywraith rose to its feet, its massive form towering over Kryzius and the others. Despite the previous explosion, it seemed unfazed, its arm regenerating before their eyes.

With a primal roar, the Oxtywraith lunged forward, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. Kryzius met its attacks head-on, his movements swift and precise as he dodged and countered each blow.

Meanwhile, Sara and the others watched in horror as the battle unfolded before them. The Oxtywraith was relentless, its monstrous form seeming to shrug off every blow dealt by Kryzius.

But then, something incredible happened. As the Oxtywraith prepared to deliver a devastating blow, Kryzius's left arm began to undergo a strange transformation. It glowed with a brilliant golden light, pulsing with energy.

With a mighty roar, Kryzius unleashed the full force of his newfound power. A wave of golden energy erupted from his arm, engulfing the Oxtywraith in a blinding flash of light. The force of the blast was so immense that it tore through the clouds above, leaving massive holes in its wake.

As the light faded, Sara and the others looked on in astonishment. Where the Oxtywraith had once stood, there was nothing but a pile of shimmering dust, scattered to the winds.

Sara's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest. Beside her, the rest of the team stood in stunned silence, their minds struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what they had just witnessed.
