The Throne

Inside the carriage, Kryzius and the team marveled at the city below as they flew through the air. Actonia was a beautiful blend of old and new, with towering skyscrapers alongside ancient stone buildings covered in greenery. The streets were filled with humans, anthropomorphic animals, and robots, bustling with life.

In the distance, a massive castle dominated the view. Made of white marble and glowing crystals, its tall spires reached towards the sky. Banners with the kingdom's crest fluttered in the wind. Surrounding the castle were lush gardens and large courtyards with fountains and statues.

As the carriage approached the castle, Kryzius felt a mix of awe and anticipation.

After a few minutes of riding, the carriage finally stopped at the huge terrace of the castle. The terrace was an expansive, elevated platform made of polished white marble, overlooking the vibrant city below. Elegant balustrades lined the edges, adorned with golden accents and intricate carvings.

Lush, colorful flowers in ornate planters added a touch of natural beauty to the space, while several tall, ornate lampposts provided illumination. At the center of the terrace, a grand staircase led up to the castle's main entrance, flanked by statues of legendary heroes and mythical creatures, each one meticulously crafted.

The entrance itself was an imposing set of double doors, made from dark wood and reinforced with metal. Above the doors, an enormous stained glass window depicted scenes of the kingdom's history, bathed in the soft, colorful light of the morning sun.

As Kryzius and his team stepped out of the carriage, they took in the grandeur of the terrace and the castle before them, feeling the weight of the moment.

Sara stretched her arm. "Wow, the castle didn't seem to have changed."

Yamaha nodded. "It seems like it… Maybe something changed inside?"

Kryzius looked at the castle in awe. This type of castle seemed so hard to produce, even professional humans could never achieve it. The intricate architecture, the seamless blend of old and new, and the sheer scale of the structure left him speechless. The castle was a testament to the advanced capabilities and rich history of Actonia.

Aeti, standing beside him, noticed his amazement. "It's a marvel, isn't it? Built over centuries with the combined efforts of many generations."

Kryzius: I see…

Aeti turned to the team. "Okay everyone, it's time to go inside."

Everyone nodded and walked towards the huge door. In front of it stood two robotic guards, their faces hidden by helmets and holding large lances.

The first guard turned to address the group. "Hal—" But before he could finish, he saw Kryzius, and his demeanor changed. "A-ah... welcome..."

Kryzius stood silent, confused by the guard's reaction.

"Miss Aeti... the captain is..."

Aeti nodded. "Come back, I know. Can you please let us enter?"

"Of course!" The guard responded quickly, stepping aside and allowing them passage.

Kryzius: (Woah so everyone knew about my death…)

The large doors creaked open, revealing the grand interior of the council hall.

As the team continued inside, they entered a grand hallway. The walls were lined with detailed carvings and golden sconces that cast a warm glow over the polished marble floor. Large arched windows offered stunning views of the kingdom's lush valleys and majestic mountains.

The ceiling was painted with celestial motifs, giving the illusion of a night sky, with elegant chandeliers hanging down, casting rainbow hues across the hall.

Kryzius looked left and right, there was so much going on that he didn't know what to say. How rich was this queen and king?

Aeti stopped as they were standing in front of a huge door, it seems important due to his size.

Aeti: Okay everyone…the queen and the king are in this door…There is a lot we have to explain about Master and…also him trying to talk to them as well.

Sara nodded "Don't worry Captain we will carry you on that…They may look intimidating but they are the best."

Kryzius: (Wait intimidating? What do the–")

The door slowly opened, and there was a huge silence.

Inside, the king's room was a spectacle of opulence. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting historical victories and legendary events. A grand chandelier hung from the ceiling, its crystals shimmering in the light. The floor was a mosaic of precious stones, forming intricate patterns.

The queen sat on a throne made of gold and jewels. She was a beautiful woman, with pale skin and long, snowy white hair topped with a huge golden crown. Her two indigo-colored eyes shone with a serene wisdom. She wore a detailed long cloud-blue robe that flowed gracefully around her.

Beside her sat the king, exuding a more sinister aura. He had wheatish skin, messy yet elegant brown hair, and a long beard. His two red eyes gleamed with a sharp intelligence. He wore a black costume with a red cape draped over his shoulders, his presence both commanding and unsettling.

The room fell silent as the team stood before the regal pair, the weight of the moment pressing down on them.