
We see Aeti and Xaphor as they stood Infront of a huge gym.

"..let me guess...this is where Darius is.."

Aeti nodded with a smile. "Exactly, Master. Darius spends a lot of his time here training."

Kryzius looked up at the massive gym. "Figures. Let's go see what he's up to."

They entered the gym, greeted by the sound of clashing metal and the grunts of intense training sessions. The facility was state-of-the-art, filled with advanced exercise equipment, combat simulators, and training dummies.

In the center of the room, Darius was sparring with a holographic opponent, his movements precise and powerful. He noticed Kryzius and Aeti approaching and paused, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Hey, Captain! Aeti! What brings you here?" Darius called out, a grin spreading across his face.

Aeti smiled. "We just wanted to see how you're doing."

Darius chuckled. "Doing alright. It's been a while since I threw some hard punches."

Kryzius looked around at the high-tech equipment. "This place is impressive. You train here often?"

"Yeah," Darius nodded, "keeps me sharp. Plus, these holographic opponents aren't half bad. They make for good practice."

Aeti glanced at Kryzius. "Darius is one of our best hand-to-hand combat specialists. His dedication to training is unmatched."

Kryzius nodded, impressed. "Good to know we have such a dedicated fighter on our team."

Darius grinned. "Thanks, Captain. If you ever want to spar, just let me know."

Kryzius looked at his hand, feeling an unexpected urge to test his strength. "How about now?" he asked.

Aeti looked at Kryzius in surprise. "Are you sure, Captain?"

Darius's grin widened. "Alright, Captain, let's see what you've got."

They moved to a sparring area within the gym. Darius cracked his knuckles and took a stance, his muscles tense and ready. Kryzius mirrored him, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

Aeti stepped back, watching intently. "Just be careful, both of you."

Darius nodded. "Don't worry, Aeti. I'll go easy on first." He launched a quick jab, testing Kryzius's reflexes.

Darius launched a quick jab, his fist cutting through the air with incredible speed. Kryzius barely managed to dodge, feeling the rush of wind from the missed punch. Darius didn't let up, immediately following with a series of rapid strikes. Each punch seemed to grow stronger, the force behind them undeniable.

Kryzius moved swiftly, dodging and weaving, trying to find an opening. The gym echoed with the sound of Darius's powerful blows hitting the air and the occasional grunt from both fighters. The onlookers, other gym-goers, began to gather, drawn by the intensity of the sparring match.

Darius's eyes gleamed with excitement. "You're quicker than I expected, Captain," he said, throwing a heavy uppercut that Kryzius narrowly avoided.

Kryzius seized the momentary opening, stepping in with a calculated move. His fist connected with Darius's side, causing the larger man to grunt and stagger. Kryzius didn't stop there; he followed up with a swift series of punches, each one landing with precision and force.

The crowd watched in awe as Kryzius maneuvered around Darius, avoiding his counterattacks and landing blow after blow. The fight reached its peak when Kryzius delivered a powerful kick, knocking Darius off balance and sending him crashing to the mat.

Darius lay there for a moment, breathing heavily, a look of surprise and respect on his face. The gym erupted in cheers and applause, the spectators clearly impressed by Kryzius's skill and strength.

Darius got up, shaking his head with a laugh. "Well, Captain, you've still got it," he said, extending a hand to Kryzius.

Kryzius took his hand and helped him up. "Thanks, Darius. You didn't make it easy," he replied, a grin spreading across his face.

Aeti stepped forward, her face a mix of relief and pride. "That was incredible, both of you."

The gym-goers continued to buzz with excitement, clearly inspired by the intense sparring match they had just witnessed.