
The team had already returned to the castle, each member heading to their respective dorms. Kryzius stood by the window in his room, gazing out at the night sky, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

"Today was rough..." he murmured, the weight of the day's events pressing down on him.

He thought back to his team, the faces of his friends flashing through his mind. Each of them had suffered so much, carried so many burdens. None of them deserved the pain they had endured. He knew he had to be careful, to protect them with everything he had.

As the stars twinkled above, Kryzius felt a renewed sense of determination. He would ensure their safety, no matter the cost. He would be the shield that bore their struggles, the strength that carried them through their darkest days.

In the quiet of the night, Kryzius vowed to himself: he would never let his team down.


Kryzius was in the training ground, his body moving fluidly as he practiced various combat maneuvers. After his match with Darius, he felt invigorated and eager to refine his techniques. He moved through a series of strikes and dodges, each motion precise and powerful.

"One... two... three..." Kryzius muttered as he performed a spinning kick, landing gracefully on his feet. He followed up with a series of swift punches, each one hitting an imaginary target with deadly accuracy.

"Hmph," came a voice from behind him.

Kryzius jumped slightly, turning to see Arcturus standing there, watching him with a scrutinizing gaze. "Ah, Sir Arcturus... I didn't know you enjoyed training at night."

Arcturus grunted. "No need to apologize. That's the point of a training ground, isn't it?"

"I guess so... What are you doing here?" Kryzius asked, curiosity piqued.

Arcturus clenched his fist. "I am on patrol. A knight should never let his guard down."

Kryzius nodded, noting how seriously Arcturus took his duty. "That's admirable..."

Arcturus gave a small, approving nod. "Your skills... they weren't so bad. I haven't seen moves like that before."

Kryzius beamed. "Thank you! There's a lot I still have to learn, but it's fun. What about you? Can you show me your skills?"

Arcturus seemed taken aback for a moment, a rare hint of surprise crossing his usually stoic face. "W-well... I suppose I could show you some of my moves."

Arcturus drew his huge sword, the blade glinting under the moonlight. He stepped into the training area, his movements calm and calculated. He took a deep breath, then began his demonstration.

First, he performed a powerful overhead swing, the force of the blade cutting through the air with a sharp whistle. He followed this with a series of rapid, precise thrusts, each one aimed at vital points. His movements were controlled and efficient, showcasing his strength and skill.

Next, Arcturus spun on his heel, the sword arcing gracefully around him in a wide sweep that could easily fend off multiple attackers. He finished with a powerful upward slash, the momentum of the move carrying him smoothly back into a ready stance.

Kryzius watched in awe, impressed by the fluidity and power of Arcturus's technique. "That was incredible! Your control and precision are amazing."

Arcturus chuckled, a strange tone in his voice. "Hmph... it was nothing much."

Suddenly, a soft chuckle echoed through the training ground, and both men turned to see Queen Tania approaching them.

"Just like old times," she remarked, her eyes twinkling. "You two seem to get along quite well."

Arcturus jumped, his posture immediately stiffening. "M-my queen! I apologize for leaving my duty..."

"No need to apologize, Arcturus," Tania said with a smile. "That's the point of a training ground, isn't it?"

Arcturus stammered, "I... yes! Of course! I have to go back to work." He abruptly walked away, leaving Kryzius alone with Queen Tania.

Kryzius gave a respectful nod. "Your Majesty."

Tania smiled warmly. "You seem to be fitting in well, Kryzius. How are you finding your new role?"

Kryzius shrugged slightly. "It's a lot to take in, but I'm doing my best."

Tania nodded. "I can see that. You've brought a new energy to the team. It's refreshing."

Kryzius smiled, feeling a sense of pride. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I'm honored to serve."



Tania glance at Kryzius, she walked up to him, her presence commanding despite her shorter stature. "Kryzius, do you know about the dragon Dakam, the God of Eternity?"

Kryzius stood silent for a moment, then shook his head. "No... who is it?"

Tania nodded, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Ah, let me explain then. Dakam was one of the strongest dragons ever known. His power was said to be unparalleled, capable of bending time and space itself. He was revered and feared, a being of immense strength and wisdom. But one day, without warning, he vanished. No one knows where he went or why he disappeared. His legend has become a tale of mystery and awe."

Kryzius listened intently, absorbing the tale of the mighty dragon.

"And... strangely, Kryzius." Tania stepped closer, her hand reaching out to touch the golden orb embedded in the middle of his chest. "I can feel him in you."

Kryzius's eyes widened in shock. "In me? But how...?"

Tania's gaze was steady, her touch gentle. "I don't know how or why, but there's a connection between you and Dakam. It might be the reason you were brought here, the source of your strength and potential. You carry a piece of his essence within you."

Kryzius felt a rush of emotions—confusion, fear, and a strange sense of destiny. "What does this mean for me?"

Tania smiled softly. "It means that your journey is far from ordinary. You have the potential to achieve great things, but also the responsibility to understand and harness the power within you."

"But I don't understand," Kryzius said, his voice edged with frustration. "Did the old captain know about all this? And what does it have to do with my reincarnation?"

Tania's expression turned thoughtful. "The old captain might have had some knowledge, but the full extent of it is uncertain. As for your reincarnation, that's the mystery we're trying to unravel. The connection to Dakam could be a key part of it, but how and why... those are questions we need to answer."

Kryzius shook his head, trying to piece everything together. "So, I'm connected to this dragon god, reincarnated for some unknown reason, and I'm supposed to figure out what it all means?"

Tania nodded. "Yes, it's a complex puzzle. But remember, you're not alone in this. We'll explore these questions together. For now, focus on understanding and developing your abilities. The answers will come in time."

Kryzius felt a surge of determination despite his confusion. "Alright. I'll do my best. But I have a lot more questions."

"And we will seek those answers," Tania assured him. "Step by step, we'll uncover the truth."

Kryzius nodded as Tania walked back inside, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He looked down at his hand, flexing his fingers, feeling a strange sensation creeping over him.

"A dragon..." he murmured to himself, the weight of the revelation settling in. The idea of being connected to a powerful, ancient being like Dakam was both daunting and intriguing.

The night air was cool, and the training ground was eerily silent. Kryzius took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. The connection to Dakam, his reincarnation, the mysteries surrounding him—all of it felt overwhelming.

But he knew one thing for certain: he had to embrace whatever lay ahead. If he was to uncover the truth, he needed to harness the strength and wisdom of the dragon within him.

With renewed determination, he clenched his fist and made a silent vow to himself. "I will find out the truth, no matter what it takes."