You don't have a choice Hunter


Two…. Three!!!".

Kim leaped from the top of the tree, his hand stretched forward as he was ready to grab the next vine so he could swing over. When out of nowhere, his hand slipped.

His body went speeding to the ground and before he could even make a single sound, his back crashed against the dry leaves that happened to be scattered on the ground below him.


Groaning painfully, Kim slowly stood up from the ground, dusting his black jumper and standing upright, he looked around to read his surroundings.

Trees that stretched towards the sky surrounded him, the ground was covered in green grass and the rocks leveled the ends like mountains.

"Okay, you said the Rancid Forest is where I'd find goblins, but I can't see any goblins, do you see a goblin? I don't." Kim voiced out as he looked around.

{Notice: Would you like me to pinpoint the locations of the goblins?}

"Yes Helix… yes." Kim responded.

{Request confirmed… 15 goblins are 6km to your left. I suspect it's their camp out so proceed with caution}

"Not like I'm going to engage in battle with them… I'm just going to scout so I can gather my team… no way i'm fighting monsters that escaped the gates." Kim responded as he walked towards the direction shared to him.

From nowhere, Ceil appeared behind him, hovering above the ground while her hands rested on his shoulder. "I didn't think you'd agree to do this this soon".


"Come now, you should at least feel excited, it's not everyday people get to battle monsters that escaped the gates you know." Ceil utterred.

"Speaking of that, how exactly do monsters even escape? The moment an instant gate opens up, Hunters are there to dispose of the monsters, so how can one then escape?" Kim asked as he slid down the slope.

"Only the gates you know about…."

"Only the… what do you mean by that?"

"Oops, spoke too soon, you'll understand soon enough, for now-"

{Notice: Goblins have been spotted}

Kim immediately hid behind a rock, just a few distance to his left, he could see 5 goblins sleeping in the middle of the tiny village they had built for themselves.

"Okay… that's five… where are the rest?" Kim whispered, turning his eyes even further in where he could see more goblins, walking around. "Ahhh good, fifteen in number".

"Now what? Are you going to take them down one by one to complete your quest?" Ceil asked with a smile.

"You must be insane." Kim stood up from the ground, "The fuck do you think I'm going to do against goblins?".

{Notice: I could run a quick scan on them to show you how weak or strong they are so you can gauge your strength}

"Nuh uhn, we are not doing any of that… I'm heading back to the city and gathering a team at the guild house."

Just as Kim was about to take one step, he noticed a small snake standing right in front of him and staring him in the eye.

Pausing, he slowly stretched his hand forward and began moving away while making sure he kept eye contact with it.

"What are you doing?" Ceil whooshed to the side, while still hovering above the ground.

"Trying to move away, for some reason this snake is feeling hostile… I must have stepped on its tail or something… any sudden movement and it's going to strike." Said Kim as he gradually moved away from the snake.

"Just squash it, you're bigger and stronger than it." Ceil pushed against Kim's shoulder.

"Shut up!" Kim yelled slightly. But the sound he gave out caused the snake to react as it was startled. With a huge leap, Kim was able to dodge the snake's bite, his body charging out of the bushes and crashing to the ground.

Panting heavily, Kim immediately went to his knees and panickedly began to search his body to make sure the snake didn't happen to bite him.

He gave out a relieved sigh. "AHH thank goodness, I thought I was a goner." He uttered, standing up from the ground before turning around.

The moment he looked behind him, he noticed he was already surrounded by multiple goblins, each one holding a weapon in their hands and attention facing the man in front of them.


Kim stood still, his eyes widened in shock as he realized he might just have stepped right into the lion's den by himself.

'Helix… Helix?' Kim called out in his mind, the chattering sound for the goblins echoing all around the place.

{Notice: Would you like to commence with the quest?}

'What? No! I need a way out of this, aren't you some kind of knowledge god?!'

"You don't have much of a choice~." Ciel spole and immediately, she disappeared, fading away and leaving Kim.

Before Kim could even tell what was going on, one of the Goblins, with a powerful scream, charged forward while its clob in its hand.


The goblin slammed the wood against Kim's head, which sent him falling and rolling on the ground. With no time wasted, the rest of the goblins began to fall in, speeding towards Kim's position.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Kim jerked up from the ground and began running as fast as he could, his feet speeding against the ground as multiple goblins raced behind him.