The book of Rioc{Defeat is almost}

Hearing the familiar voice behind him, Diabolos slowly turned around, the grin still plastered across his face.

"You really excite me human! Truly!!!" Diabolos exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he faced Kim head-on. "Tell me, human... What is your name?".

Kim stood amidst the swirling blue flames, his entire form cloaked in a shroud of gray, resembling hardened scales. Despite the scratches marring his skin and blood dripping from his wounds, he raised his head slowly, meeting Diabolos' gaze with a somewhat unfazed expression.

The flames licked against Kim's body, but the hardened scales provided a protective barrier, shielding him from the worst of the inferno.

"My... name..." Kim muttered under his breath, the words choked out amidst the pain as he coughed up blood. "Kim Yung...".

"Kim Yung... I may have underestimated you," Diabolos conceded, a hint of respect coloring his tone. "I have taken a liking to you. Not many have withstood my flames and lived to tell the tale… consider yourself worthy, but even that is not enough to escrow my wrath".

With a sinister smile, Diabolos raised his hand, his fingers poised to snap. "Stand still. I'll make sure my next hit kills you instantly. That way, your death won't be as painful as first intended, but you'll die as Kim Jung, the Hunter who stood before The Demon lord Diablos".

"Pfft!" Kim scoffed defiantly, a smirk playing on his lips as a green light began to glow on his body, catching Diabolos off guard.

"Uhn?" A flicker of surprise flashed across Diabolos' face as he watched the transformation unfolding before him.

"I must admit, I expected you to be stronger… so much for that".


"A thousand blades did not suffice, neither did a thousand armies," Kim declared with unwavering resolve, his voice resonating with power.

A golden aura enveloped his form, radiating with an intensity that surpassed anything Diabolos had witnessed before. The blade in Kim's hand crackled with immense energy, pulsing with raw power as if eager to unleash its fury upon its foe.

"For even against the Morach, my blade shall not falter... the angels sing and the demons bow. I am the one who shreds the heavens and demolishes the underworld," Kim proclaimed with his eyes glowing even brighter, his words echoing with power and authority.

As Diabolos watched in growing horror, Kim raised his blade toward the sky, a surge of red energy erupting from its edge, tearing through the ceiling with a deafening roar. The very air crackled with anticipation as winds whipped around Kim's form, a tempest of strength and resolve.

"Cut through the light and cleave past the darkness, a thousand cries, ESCANOR!!!" Kim bellowed with primal fury, his voice echoing through the chamber with a thunderous intensity.

With a swift and decisive motion, Kim sent the sword, imbued with the rushing red energy, hurtling toward the ground, its trajectory aimed directly at Diabolos, poised to deliver the final, devastating blow.

The energy slammed against the ground with unstoppable force, obliterating everything in its path, including the throne upon which Diabolos had perched. In a mere second, the ground was scorched, and debris rained down in a chaotic cascade.

But in the blink of an eye...

Diabolos emerged from the dust cloud, a malevolent grin stretching across his face as he prepared to unleash another onslaught upon Kim. However, his triumph was short-lived as he found himself ensnared in a web of blue burning chains, piercing every part of his body in midair, rendering him powerless to retaliate.

"What... the?" Diabolos muttered under his breath, his eyes widening in shock as he slowly turned his gaze toward where Kim stood.

To his astonishment, blue chains danced around both of Kim's hands, coiling from his elbows down to his fingertips, crackling with elemental energy.

"You... tricky bastard..." The Demon Lord's smile twisted into a grimace of pain as the blue flames seared against his skin, the chains tightening their grip with each passing moment.

With a final, defiant roar, Kim unleashed the full fury of his power, channeling the energy of the chains into a devastating onslaught that engulfed Diabolos in a torrent of searing blue flames.

And with that, Diabolos collapsed to the ground, his once imposing form reduced to naught but a charred husk.

Meanwhile, Kim stood amidst the dissipating chains, their blue flames flickering out as he panted heavily, exhaustion weighing heavily upon him as he surveyed the defeated Demon Lord.

{Notice... you have only one copy card left}

"Not now, you idiot," Kim muttered, frustration seeping into his voice as he sank to the ground, his body trembling with fatigue. "I feel exhausted."

{Notice: The Chains of Barbos you copied earlier are too draining to use in your current state}

"Even so..." Kim's gaze remained fixed on the fallen form of Diabolos. "I defeated the Demon Lord."

Slowly rising to his feet once more, Kim tensed as the voice of Diabolos echoed through the chamber.

"Kim Yung, was it?".

Kim paused, a flicker of surprise crossing his features as he regarded his defeated foe.

"You were able to somehow duplicate my magic skill... I find that... rather impressive," Diabolos struggled to articulate, his voice weak yet tinged with a begrudging respect.

"It was either that, or you'd end up killing me... no hard feelings. But I don't plan on dying any time soon," Kim retorted, his tone icy with resolve.

A weak chuckle escaped Diabolos' lips. "You are indeed worthy. Rather than a tale, you have killed the Demon Lord of Rampage. You should feel proud."

Kim's gaze softened slightly at the unexpected praise, but before he could respond, a mysterious book materialized before him. Taking it in his hands, he observed the inscription on the cover.

[The Book of Rioc].

"There you go... the tale of my people. Trust me, you'll need it," Diabolos murmured, his eyes closing as he breathed his last.

Kim watched in silence as the life faded from Diabolos, a mixture of emotions swirling within him as he pondered the significance of the book now in his possession.