Gobble that dick up [R18]


He stared at her even more.

Her cleavage popping out from her dress it was almost like he could see her nipples with just a little help from his fingers.

'Settle down… it's not that deep.' Kim whispered to himself, as if trying to convince himself he wasn't feeling sexually aroused.

Taking a deep breath, he muttered out loud, "Just cover her body and sleep beside her, that should be easy, right?".

His mind was made up.

Kim began taking slow steps towards the bed, making sure he didn't make any noise to wake them up. Once he was close, he gently grabbed the bed shit and proceeded to cover Ciel's body.

The moment the sheet went all the way up, Kim gave out a relieved sigh with a beet red cheek.

'That was easier than expected.' He said to himself before sleeping on the edge of the bed.

Pulling off his clothes, he got ready to lay down on the bed to sleep when he suddenly felt Ceil's soft hand, massaging his chest from behind.

Even though he was caught unawares, he made sure to maintain a calm exterior.

"I see you're awake." Kim said, his eyes focused in front of him.

"I find it heartbreaking that you'd think I'd sleep if you were still awake." Ciel responded, and at this point, he could already feel her plump boobs pressing against his back.

"Is that so?".

"Ummm hmmm~, and here I thought you'd gobble me up the moment you saw me, are the erotic dreams not doing it for you?" She asked, her fingers playing on the tip of his nipples.

Eyes opened in realization, Kim quickly veered around and pinned Ciel to the bed, while he remained on top, looking down at her.

"Oh myyy~" Ciel giggled a bit, her silver hair spread on the bed.

"So you were the one that made me have those dreams." Kim voiced out.

"Now that you know… what do you plan to do about it… master?" She replied teasingly.

Kim grinned, "Fine, you wanted this, and here you have it".

He grabbed her by the tits, both his hands copping a full while he moved his mouth towards her ear and nibbled on it.

"H-Hey…!~~ Stopp…!, not my earrr~~~ ahhhh~." Ciel's voice echoed, one of her eyes closed as her cheeks turned red.

"I thought you liked it… even in my dreams, you always seem to want licking your ear like this, are you getting shy now?".

"Th-that's not the issue here~ … self control master~~".

While she was talking, Kim grabbed her front zipper and unzipped it, leaving her boobs to pop out, right in his face.

Feeling embarrassed, she looked to the side, her face even more flushed.

"Y.. you're really not holding back." She said.

"Hey, I've been holding back, but you seem to always test my patience, this is simply pay back." He rubbed his hands on her stomach, watching as she bit her lower lip and gripping the sheets.

"And besides, it's not like you'll hold it against me".

"Hmphhh~" Ceil closed her eyes, the pleasure was already getting to her, but at the same time, she didn't want to show any sign of weakness.

Placing her hand on his arm, she gave out a small moan the moment she felt Kim's leg, right between her lips.

It was like her pussy was welcoming him, her juices already leaking so much, even Kim could feel the wetness on his leg.

"You're already sloppy wet, it's making me hard." Kim groaned, pressing her milkers intensely, his hand raising and messaging them like he was born to do it.

"Eeeeeh~ be gentle~.. oh Goddd~~" She moaned, her eyes barely opening up.

"Your nipples are hard too".

He proceeded to play with her nipples, using his fingers to play with the tip while he watched her go crazy on the bed.

Perhaps it was his looks, or the fact she had been fantasizing about it, but her body was reacting so much to every small movement he made.

'That's it. I have no control over my own body, I can't even fight against it… this man… this man will be the death of me.' Ciel thought to herself while arching her hips up.

Her pussy grinded against his thighs while he simultaneously pulled on her nipples.

"Ahhh~" She arched her whole body up, and her juices came rushing.


Ciel tried to catch her breath while Kim laid beside her, his mouth close to her ear and her ass pointed towards his erection that was bulging from his gray pants.

"Did touching your boobs… just make you cum?" Kim whispered into her ear with a predatory gaze in his eyes.

Ciel grabbed his arm while also grabbing the sheets as she looked at him, her tongue stuck out as heated breath left her mouth, unable to say a word.

Seeing this, Kim instantly pulled in, kissing her on the lips, and playing with her tongue while making sure he was in control.

Even though it was his first kiss, all he needed was to do it and he began to admit. Squeezing her body and rubbing his dick against her butt cheeks.

"Come on… I want you to do it to me now." Kim spoke in a low tone the moment he pulled away from the kiss.

"Do…Do what?~"

"Suck it." Kim replied as he guided her hands towards his erection.

She smiled.

Her toes, gripping the tip of his trousers before she pulled down his pants.

Kim's dick sprung up, alerting Ciel that it was ready to take her.

Moving like a snake, she found her way down there, while Kim laid back, awaiting his lady to work on his boom boom shakalaka.

His massive dick, rested on her face and it felt like all her brain was shut off. The love symbol could be seen in her eyes as she kissed his dick.

"Keep going…"

Ciel licked his dick, her hands on his waist as she took the whole package into her mouth and her eyes instantly watered.

But she didn't stop, she pulled back and pulled back in, her saliva already painted on his member, which only made Kim grunt sexually.

And then, it came like a splash

His cum, right in her mouth while she was still struggling to swallow it.