Kill the black snake


Kirsta was lying on the ground, bruised, part of her skin completely burnt; one could hardly recognize it to be part of her body.

Standing in front of her was Rizor, fire balls dancing around him as he moved closer to her, all while being calm. Getting close enough, he grabbed her by the hair and raised her up.

Kirsta whimpered in pain, but she was too weak to even raise a finger, her eyes were barely open and her limbs were so damaged,she couldn't stand.

"I didn't want to do this… sigh!" Rizor looked around to see his members fighting the villagers all around him.

"Is this what you people also wanted? Meaningless deaths that could have been avoided if you had just handed over the Texarat…" Rizor turned his gaze back at her, "Why be so stubborn knowing there's no way you can win".

".... Grrr…rrr".