Just some visitors...

Raphael walked down the stairs with a stalk of books in her hand. She was dressed in a back work out shorts and pink sleeve top, and her hair black hair was packed to the front.

"There we go…" She muttered under her breath before placing the books on the center table, along with other books that seemed to have been opened up.

With that done, Raphael settled on the couch, staring at the books for a while before she finally grunted. She laid back first on the chair, with her hand covering her face.

"Why did you have to travel so far away without taking your phone… you idiot." So she says before now looking at the ceiling.

Since Kim left for the village, Raphael has had to struggle all by herself with the allowance she got from her father. But even that wasn't enough, it's been over one week and she still had no clue where her brother was.