The Dungeon F-2

"Are you sure this is the place?" Ciel asked, walking towards the open area.

The place was surrounded by dense trees and dilapidated buildings, their once strong walls now crumbling into ruin.

Yellow "Keep Out" tapes fluttered in the breeze, stark warnings that the site was off-limits. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves.

In the center of the tapes lay an empty spot, its ground scorched and blackened. Faint traces of magic energy lingered in the air.

The entire area felt charged with a lingering, unseen power.

"Pretty sure this is Dungeon F-2, so yeah, this is the place".

That was Kim, removing the helmet from his head while still seated on the bike.

Saber, already close to the tapes, turned around to look at Kim, "Are you sure about this, Mr Kim? I heard rumors of hunters that died while exploring this dungeon".