Sex and upgrades {R18}

"Oh, you're still keeping watch." Kim walked out of the small tent, moving closer towards Ciel who was seated outside, keeping watch.

"My lord, I thought you were sleeping." She stood up to talk to him.

"Yeah, like I could sleep when I can sense deadly monsters from every direction." Kim replied as he pinched the girth of his nose.

He then settled on the ground, "So? Were you able to spot anything?".

"Nothing of recent, just a few mob monsters here and there." Ciel, obviously bored, replied and also sat back down.

Kim grunted a bit, lying down flat, while looking up at the huge hole where they had fallen from, the help that led to the boss floor.

"It's been four hours…. I don't know how the day reset works in this dungeon. Should have done more research."