The skill 『Encounter』

""Now then…. Shall we begin our dance? I, Saber, Queen of the north star, will be your opponent."

Saber's voice rang out, clear and confident, across the battlefield. She stood tall, her posture radiating power and grace.

Her blade came to life, blazing with a fierce yellowish aura that seemed to pulse with each breath she took.

The earth beneath her feet sizzled and smoked, scorched by the mere presence of her weapon.

Her mysterious armor gleamed in the light, matching the intensity of her sword. Every piece fit her perfectly, as if it were an extension of her very being.

The intricate designs etched into the metal seemed to shift and dance, mirroring the energy that flowed through her blade.

Across from her, the Kagayama remained motionless. Its otherworldly form stood in stark contrast to Saber's vibrant presence.

It observed her silently, its intentions hidden behind an unreadable exterior.