The king has summoned his Starlink

The flames roared through the dungeon, devouring everything in their path.

Walls crumbled and the earth blackened in an instant, the sheer force of the explosion reshaping the underground chamber.

Yet, through the smoke and debris, a figure emerged.

Dan Mello stood leaning against a partially destroyed wall, some distance from the blast's epicenter.

His once-pristine suit was now tattered and singed, wisps of smoke rising from his hair and reddened skin.

'That was close. If I hadn't protected myself using my aura, that would have surely been a one shot kill... interesting.' A small grin played across Dan's face as he pushed himself upright, brushing off bits of rubble.

The air around him shimmered faintly, remnants of the protective aura that had saved him from the brunt of the explosion.

Despite his disheveled appearance, there was a spark of excitement in his eyes, a newfound respect for his opponent's capabilities.