Return of Diablos.

Kim's eyes scanned the glowing text of the Book of Rioc, his expression unreadable in the moonlight.

The unconscious form of the Golden Dragon Guild spy lay forgotten at his feet as he absorbed the ancient knowledge.

As he read, his brow furrowed imperceptibly.

To an observer, he might have seemed merely concentrating, but internally,

Kim's mind reeled with the implications of what he was learning.

{I have stored the necessary memories, also, the writing down below should not be overlooked}

At this point, Kim's face seemed almost hitched with fear. Whatever he had seen in the book was clearly taking a toll on him.


His eyes shifted to the page.


Kim read out loud, and his words did not go ignored.

A rush of blue flames suddenly formed in front of him, just a few inches away from where the unconscious spy was laid.

Kim sat in silence, waiting for the flames to subside.