
"I will never be your ex husband, Violet,"

"I will never be your ex husband, Violet,"

"Just what the fuck do he mean with that?"

Violet asked herself frustratingly. Her eyes squinted as she looked outside the building where she resides.

"I will never be your ex husband, Violet"

Those words hunt her even after three days of being away from the Clutterbuck's mansion. 

"Did he mean that he's not going to sign the divorce papers?" 

Again, the question was on loop inside her head. 

She swallowed. Today the weather wasn't fine at all. The sky was in huge gray and peeking from the inside of the glass window, she saw the raindrops on it. indicating that the rain was about to pour hard. 

Her eyes then stared at the bed where she was sitting, hugging her knees, messy hair while wearing a satin night dress, the blanket was covering her half body. Violet's eyes rolled. 

Stacks of money have been scattered on her bed and in a mess. Xelby already sent her the money in half yesterday's night when he came to her secret place. 

Even she was shocked that Xelby knows her place where in fact, she doesn't tell anybody about this at all. 

Xelby was indeed true to his words when he said he wanted the young billionaire, Zayn Azriel to be dead as soon as possible. 

Never in her life did she think Xelby and Zayn Azriel are opponents. Although Zayn was quite arrogant, domineering, bad, and many more unlikely reputations, Xelby is in the mafia gang that Zayn never had connection with. 

Violet decided to stand up. An idea had come to her mind like a bulb sprouted above her head. 

She shall call Victorio Amora to know Zayn's connection further. 

Hence, Before she even picked up her telephone, a ring from her phone suddenly occurred that made her look on the table side abruptly. 

Holding her long hair, she stepped towards her phone and answered. 

"Yes, hello?" She started. 

"Bitch, where the hell are you?" A man from the other line questioned in a cold arrogant tone. 

She looked on the screen of her phone only to find out that the man who called is one and only Zayn Azriel. The person she doesn't want to call or to talk with. 

Ever wondered why she didn't want to? 

It's because the man she's going to kill for the mission is the man she always wanted to love her back, back to high school when they're both in the same school for seminars. 

From the first glance of that thin young man with a cold aura and dead eyes from the line B, her heart was caught by him already. 

But funny how fate was playful that her crush slash her husband is the one she's going to kill in order to save someone she loves.

She sighed over the phone, not minding how her attitude is going to make the man be heated with anger more and more. 

"Why did you call? What do you need?"

"Tss, really? You don't know? Violet, I never knew that you're a bad liar?" Zayn replied. 

Her brows furrowed. "What did you mean? If you're just going to mess up with me at this time, don't ever try to call—"

"I guess you're still tired about last night, aren't you? That you don't want to talk with anyone else today—"

"I'm not gonna buy your bullshit today, Zayn."

"And so am I? You think I'm bullshitting you?" The man uttered lowly. 

Silence filled both of the lines after their intense responses. 

Zayn was standing in front of the glass window on the ninety-eight floor of his building, in the head's office. 

With a wandering mind, his hand was placed on his forehead—massaging it slowly. 

Before he called the woman, he promised himself that he would talk to her calmly. But things got worse when Violet talked to him indifferently. 

And the silence after it couldn't help. He sighed, Zayn was frustrated when a mail arrived at his office today.

An envelope with no letters but a picture of a woman who was silently sleeping in her cozy bed. Messy hair with a thin cloth on. 

He was just on the first picture but he already put it down and thought of calling the woman in the picture. 

Biting his lower lip, his lips opened to say a word. 

"Violet, come to the mansion before bed time. I'd like to clear things out when I arrive" he said. 

He heard her chuckle. "For what again? Have you already made up your mind and decided to sign the papers already?" Violet asked. 

Teasing him. That's when he found himself strongly gripping his hand on the edge of the table he was holding on. Preventing his madness. So hard that the glass above it cracked. 

A small tone of a woman was heard by her from the other line that makes her smirk turn to pinned lips. 

"Baby, don't be so hard with that," 

It was Freya's voice. Flirting with Zayn again. 

"Freya..." Zayn said slowly. "Who are you talking with, baby? Isn't today our anniversary? Let's go on a date!"

Violet didn't know how to feel right now. while holding the phone, the girl preferred to remain silent while listening to the conversation of the two people on the other line.

"You have a choice to hang up the call, but why did you choose to listen to it? You're really stupid, Violet," the girl said to herself as she put down the phone above the bed on a speaker and sat.

"Freya, let's talk later," answered the young man to the girl he was talking to.

Freya's tone immediately changed when she spoke again.

"baby, is that too important to ignore me now and our anniversary? don't you love me anymore? did you forget our anniversary?" She asked one after another making herself sound miserable in front of the young man.

"Am I disturbing something? my future ex-husband? do you want me to adjust for both of you? mm?" Violet asked sarcastically.

It was followed by a cold wind that touched from outside of the open window that touched her skin. 

As cold as his voice when he spoke. 

"I'm expecting you'd be there tonight. I'll give you what you want, Herera." The man said and the call ended immediately. 

Leaving her off words to speak.