
The pair set of eyes interlock as they stare at each other with the forming argument in the scene. 

The coffee was served by the barista hot and fresh that was immediately sipped by the woman. 

Wearing a million dollar dress, a designer handbag and heels, she flicked her hair backwards and uttered. 

"So, how's your life, girl?" She sounded friendly. 

Violet rolled her eyes before she spoke. "Get straight to the point, Freya, I'm not having a cool time here," she said making the woman smile. 

"Uh oh, I bet your breakfast doesn't taste good, is that it? Chill, we're just getting to the climax here," Freya Montemayor said as she pulled out a stack of papers on the envelope that her personal guard handed. 

A smirk formed to her red lips. Looking back at the woman, Freya tilted her head and sounded.

"I prepare another divorce papers for both of you, sign it, Violet Herera and I will tell Zayn to sign it too, later," Freya confidently said. 

Her brows furrowed, but in an instant, it rested and her face began to cold and straight. 


That's what she read when her eyes turned to see the front page. Immediately, Freya uttered a word. 

"I know that you've been having a hard time with Zayn not signing the papers so I thought, I could help you convince him to sign it," she said. 

Violet fell silent. "Just consider it as a kind of act of kindness from me, Viera, you don't have to thank me tho," 

it caught the attention of the girl who immediately looked at the woman.

looking at her emotionlessly, she spoke again.

"what did you call me?" asked Violet.

Freya immediately looked away and then laughed.

"That's not important anymore. Focused on the divorce and not to other things, Violet," replied Freya.

"You don't need to give your time for our divorce, Freya, or maybe you're also in a hurry to marry Zayn so you've already made a moved?" she asked sarcastically.

The blonde girl nodded. "Yeah, you've got it! And plus, lemme pull another thing that can make you decide faster," Freya said and the bodyguard immediately handed her another brown envelope. 

With a huge smile on her face, Freya placed the ultrasound results on top of the divorce papers and spoke. 

"I'm pregnant, we're going to be a family soon. I bet you don't want our child to experience having no father because of your selfishness, right? I mean, that could be shameful." She stated. 

On the other hand, Violet's eyes were fixed on the result. 

Even though she was surprised, she didn't show the pain on her face for Freya not to see.

Hence, her hand immediately pushed the result back to her as she stated. "It's still none of your business to take, Don't worry, We'll get to that." She said as she lost her patience.

She was about to stand up but suddenly she heard her speak again.

"It's for your own good too, Violet, and of course for us. I will admit that I am losing my patience while my soon-to-be husband is still married to another girl. No woman will be happy with that, right? Violet, I'm sure you don't want your future child to grow up with only one parent, so give it up."

"Then be patient and don't forget to drink water as well as minding your own business," Violet stated and the guards immediately gave a way for her to pass. 

Left alone at the table, Freya rolled her emerald eyes and whispered. "that bitch..."


Violet's POV

I immediately returned to my car and drove to my place. On my way to the hallway, I immediately see the closed door of my condominium that is still the same as when I left it last night.

But then my eyes went down to see a paper bag placed in front of the door.

I immediately quickened my step closer and quickly took the thing.

After I looked at it, I finally saw the Brand name printed in front. It was Gucci. And inside it is a black box covered with a black ribbon.

On the side of the ribbon I saw a small card that I immediately looked at.

It was computerized, No name or signature of the giver.

"Take care and take it. it's a gift for you, because you're such a beauty,"

the note said. I immediately frowned and wondered.

I don't remember any individual who can give me something like this because no one knows about this room. Not even Clarissa, my friend who's now in Australia that I've not contacted with for a long time. 

On my way to open my door, a single paper fell on the floor out of nowhere. 

"Be careful and don't let him be close to you at any moment," The strange note said.

This time, it is a handwritten. Cursive and neat. Far from the people I've know, the penmanship was quite different to tell that it was from someone I know. 

"Violet, It's a good thing you're here now," 

The man's voice echoed in the quiet hallway and the sound of his shoes with each step getting closer to me.

A slender man wearing black coat and pants walked. 

I immediately looked at him and was not even surprised when I saw his poker face.

"Why are you here, Xelby?" I asked. But the direction of his gaze only went to the things I was holding.

"Woah, you're having a secret admirer? what a sweetie," he commented

"Answer me, what are you doing here?" I asked again. 

His face immediately frowned as he walks past by me. With his laugh heard throughout the hall, he spoke while clicking her keys on one of the door. 

"Chill, I'm having my place here too, don't think that I am following you." He said calmly. 

Before he could even open the door, his dark eyes once again looked at mine and uttered.

"Or maybe I'm?" He said and closed the door.