Chapter 3 Where do you get a say?_1


The attending physician Nathan Scott arrived soon, and after the examination, his face showed difficulty as he summoned the Dariel family members to the corridor outside the room.

"Old Master Dariel's condition this time involves an old lung injury. Surgery is imperative for any improvement, but the surgery is lengthy and the physical burden is immense. Given Old Master Dariel's already weak constitution, there's a ninety percent chance he won't survive the operation..."

Adan Gilliam asked anxiously, "What do we do now?"

Dr. Scott smiled bitterly, "I'm powerless in this case. I can only prescribe some medication to temporarily ease Old Master Dariel's pain, but it's useless against the illness itself..."

Carson Flores frowned from the sidelines. He had noticed the lung injury, but wasn't it treatable?

Why was it suddenly beyond help?

This physician's skills are lacking!

Adan Gilliam's expression turned to disappointment. Just as he was about to speak, Dr. Scott's phone suddenly rang.

Dr. Scott pulled out his phone, listened for a moment, and a look of surprise showered over his face, "Teacher, you've come to the first city hospital?"

Dr. Scott quickly ended the call, speaking joyfully, "Mr. Gilliam, don't worry. My teacher happens to be at the hospital. I'll ask him to come and have a look. He will certainly have a solution."

Hope flickered in Adan Gilliam's eyes, "And who is Dr. Scott's teacher?"

Dr. Scott replied, "One of the four great physicians, Mr. Vincent Ward. I'm not Mr. Ward's direct disciple, but I attended his lectures for some time, so I'm somewhat considered his student."

Adan Gilliam's eyes brightened, "Then please trouble Dr. Scott, and I will be sure to repay your kindness afterwards."

"You all just wait here."

Dr. Scott left and shortly returned with the distinguished, silver-haired physician, Vincent Ward.

Vincent Ward walked straight into the patient's room and started to examine Dariel Gilliam. After a while, he looked up, "Prepare a set of silver needles."

As they waited, Vincent Ward assured Dariel Gilliam with a smile, "Old brother, don't worry. It's not a big issue. I'll give you an acupuncture treatment, and you won't feel any discomfort."

Carson Flores breathed a sigh of relief.

Exactly, the condition wasn't too complicated. Although a complete cure would take time, relieving the current symptoms was just a matter of a few acupuncture needles.

Worthy of being a renowned physician.

The silver needles were brought quickly. Vincent Ward prepared everything, picked up the silver needles, and started the procedure.

The first needle went down.

Carson Flores blinked, his gaze filled with confusion. Wasn't it supposed to be the Shenfeng point? Why did he needle the Danzhong point instead?

The Danzhong point certainly has the effects of smoothing the flow of qi and alleviating wheezing, but Old Master Dariel's condition was different. Needling the Danzhong point, wouldn't that just trap the qi inside even more?

The second needle went down.

The Qihu point.

By now, Carson Flores had figured out Vincent Ward's acupuncture strategy.

He muttered under his breath unwittingly, "Useless."

Everyone was intently watching Vincent Ward's acupuncture, and though Carson Flores's voice was not loud, everyone heard him clearly.

All eyes abruptly fell on Carson Flores, each look varied.

Since Carson Flores had spoken up, he continued, "The way you're needling, you're addressing the symptoms rather than the root cause. Not only is it ineffective, but it will also make the patient more uncomfortable."

Upon hearing Carson Flores's words, the expressions of those around him changed immediately.


Nathan Scott frowned and asked, "You're a physician?"

Carson Flores calmly replied, "I studied with my master for several years."

Nathan Scott scoffed, "Do you have a physician license?"

Carson Flores shook his head, "No."

Nathan Scott said coldly, "Without even a physician's license, you dare to spout nonsense here. Do you know who this is? Vincent Ward, a nationally renowned top physician. Does he need your pointers?"

Carson Flores furrowed his brows, intending to explain, but Adan Gilliam beside him already glared at him with a stern face, an expression of displeasure as he fixed his gaze on Samantha Tate.

"Control your boyfriend. Don't pretend to know when you don't. What kind of situation do you think this is?"

Samantha Tate's face turned red from her father's reproach, and she quickly tugged at Carson Flores, glaring fiercely at him.

"Shut up!"

The words Carson Flores was about to say shrank back, and he shrugged, choosing to remain silent.

Fine, you pay the bills, you're the boss, you call the shots.

Carson Flores also interjected with advice only because of the Old Master Dariel's words, which had given him some good impressions, hoping that the old master would suffer less.

If his advice wasn't appreciated, then there was no point in saying more.

Vincent Ward turned his head and continued the acupuncture.

After inserting several needles in succession, a minute later, Dariel Gilliam's intense gasping became markedly quieter, and his tense body relaxed.

Vincent Ward nodded in satisfaction, glancing at Carson Flores with a smile, "Young man, isn't this effective?"

Carson Flores shook his head, still insisting, "No use."

Vincent Ward frowned, but before he could speak, Nathan Scott mocked, "You're really tough as nails. The old gentleman's symptoms have obviously improved a lot, and everyone can see this, except you. Are you blind?"

Vincent Ward frowned and said seriously, "Medical skills can be superior or inferior, but a physician must have medical ethics. Young man, as a physician, you must adhere to objective facts and not rely solely on subjective conjecture, otherwise, you will only become a mediocre doctor, harming both yourself and others!"

Carson Flores didn't argue, just smiled, "Why not try removing the silver needles?"

Nathan Scott said impatiently, "Teacher, he doesn't even have a physician's qualification. Why listen to him? He's full of himself, causing trouble for nothing!"

Worried that Vincent Ward might get angry, Adan Gilliam coldly ordered someone out, "With Master Ward here, it's not your place to talk! Get out! We don't need you here!"

Carson Flores didn't move, just looked at Vincent Ward.

Vincent Ward knitted his brows, gazing at Carson Flores with a scrutinizing look. Carson Flores had a smile on his face, a calm demeanor, and a fearless gaze.

After pondering, Vincent Ward turned and pulled out the silver needles one by one.

Dariel Gilliam lay quietly on the bed, his expression serene and his breathing steady, apparently fine.

As he caught his breath, Dariel Gilliam gestured with his hands, addressing Adan Gilliam, "Why are you driving him away? Even if he's wrong, he meant well. He..."

Dariel Gilliam's words suddenly halted, then he took a sharp inhale, breaking into violent coughing.

This coughing fit was even more fierce than when his illness struck, turning Dariel Gilliam's face purple, as if any second he might suffocate and die on the spot.

The faces of everyone in the room changed drastically, and all eyes simultaneously fell on Vincent Ward's face.

Vincent Ward looked bewildered, furrowing his brows in confusion and muttering to himself, "Why? I clearly already used the needle..."

Carson Flores spoke up, "You used the Seven Star Needling Method, which is a very good technique. Unfortunately, you used the simplified version, which is missing two needles. In terms of efficacy, it's much less effective..."