Chapter 7 Rogue!_1

"It was an unintentional act, and wasn't it to save you? If you don't appreciate it, that's fine, but why are you bothering me now? I told you, I have a fiancée..."


Carson Flores hadn't finished speaking when the beautiful woman's expression abruptly changed. She coldly dropped two words and then slammed on the gas. Her car shot past Carson, rushing through the rising barrier and into the residential compound.

Carson stood there dumbfounded. Scoundrel?

She called me a scoundrel?

Watching the white BMW X7's taillights, Carson suddenly realized what had happened.

Samantha Tate drove a Porsche Macan, while this woman drove a BMW X7; Samantha wore a sundress, while this woman wore a professional suit; Samantha was quirky and proud but not indifferent, this woman had an imposing presence, with a cold distant gaze, like an iceberg; Samantha's hair was wine red, this woman's hair was black...

Damn, I really mistook her for someone else!

For a man to say he had looked at a strange woman's breasts, any woman would be angry and upset, no wonder she called me a scoundrel.

I really had it coming...

But this woman did look so much like Samantha Tate.

Carson had just parted ways with Samantha and then suddenly saw her appear in front of him again, naturally, he didn't react in his mind...

This misunderstanding is so awkward!

Carson felt extremely embarrassed, with a somewhat sheepish expression on his face. He even felt like the security guards nearby looked at him with disdain.

Forget it, I'm out of here, out of here!

Too embarrassing!

Just as Carson was about to make a run for it, his phone rang. It was the call he had made earlier and hadn't been answered.

"Hello, is this Carson? This is Parker Miller speaking. I was tending to my vegetable garden earlier and didn't have my phone with me. Are you still at the gate?"

After answering the call and going through a simple identity check, the security let Carson in, but their looks were still somewhat odd.

Inside the residential area, Carson found Villa Block A, number 16. Just as he approached the door, he saw a hale and hearty old man standing at the entrance, smiling enthusiastically at him.

"You must be Carson, right? Come on in, I've been waiting for you for a while."

Parker Miller's voice was booming and his tone was warm, directly pulling Carson inside, which relaxed Carson's nervous heart a bit.

Not too bad!

There was no cold aloofness typical of wealthy families; otherwise, Carson really would have turned tail and run.

"Hello, Grandpa Miller."

Parker Miller interrupted, "Call me Grandpa. You are going to marry Shirley soon, and then we'll be family. Don't be so formal."


Is this my fiancée's nickname?

Parker Miller looked at Carson's expression and paused, "You don't know Shirley's name? Your master didn't tell you anything?"

Carson answered awkwardly, "He just left a phone number, nothing else."

Parker Miller scolded with a laugh, "That guy really is unreliable. Shirley is my granddaughter and your fiancée. Her full name is Shirley Miller."

Carson Flores didn't know how to answer; after all, he was completely unaware of the nature of his master's relationship with Parker Miller or the origins of this marriage arrangement. All he could do was nod without saying a word.

Once inside the house, Parker Miller had a servant brew tea for Carson Flores and then they started to chat.

Parker Miller seemed to understand Carson quite well, his casual words seemingly revealing that he even knew about Carson joining Dark Blade. He was very enthusiastic toward Carson, looking at him with the same affection one would have for a grandson.

Carson felt helpless; his master had sold all his information clean, yet said nothing about the Miller Family, leaving him completely on the backfoot.

As they were chatting, footsteps were heard coming from the staircase.

Parker Miller turned around with a smile and said, "Shirley, you're down—come, meet Carson."

Carson instinctively turned his head and saw Shirley Miller standing on the stairs, clad in a baggy T-shirt and shorts. Their gazes met.

It was her!!!

The beautiful woman who looked remarkably like Samantha Tate that he had just run into at the entrance of the complex!

She was actually his fiancée, Shirley Miller!

What a coincidence?

Even before a proper introduction, he had made a terribly bad impression in her mind…

At the same time, Shirley Miller also recognized Carson and blurted out subconsciously, "It's you!"

Carson was extremely embarrassed but managed to suppress it and greeted, "Miss Miller, hello…"


A new chill and disgust appeared in Shirley's eyes as she snorted coldly and turned to walk back upstairs!

Surprise and confusion showed on Parker Miller's face as he turned back to Carson, "Carson… do you two know each other?"

Awkwardly, Carson replied, "We met at the entrance of the complex just a while ago and there was a misunderstanding; I've offended Miss Miller."

Parker Miller seemed to realize the situation, "Oh, a misunderstanding. Well, just explain things clearly and it's fine. You're both young; there shouldn't be anything you can't talk about."

Carson thought for a moment, "Maybe I should go apologize to Miss Miller?"

He was willing to apologize, as the cause of the misunderstanding indeed originated with him.

Parker Miller smiled, "You sit tight for a moment, I'll go check on her. Young people can be hot-headed, but a couple of words should do the trick."

Parker Miller went upstairs, while Carson sat on the sofa, feeling awkward.

Such an incident on his first visit had undoubtedly left a deep negative impression of him in Shirley's heart. Perhaps this engagement was doomed to fail?

Amidst Carson's wild guessing, Parker Miller and Shirley came back downstairs together.

Shirley resumed the distant demeanor she had shown upon their initial encounter, sitting beside Parker and listening to him talk, while remaining silent herself and not looking at Carson.

With a note of apology, Parker said, "Shirley has been independent and reserved since she was young, Carson, please be patient with her."

Carson quickly waved his hands, "No, no, it's really my fault. Miss Miller, I was presumptuous earlier, and for that, I truly apologize."

Shirley seemed unwilling to speak, but under Parker's gaze, she could only coldly acknowledge with a hum, accepting Carson's apology.

Parker Miller said with a smile, "Now that the misunderstanding is cleared, Carson, the marriage between you and Shirley has been arranged by your master and me for a while now. Shirley has been waiting for you for years, and now that you're finally back from your military service, neither of you are getting any younger. Don't waste any more time, go get your marriage certificate tomorrow..."