Chapter 10 Which newlywed couple sleeps in separate rooms?_1

Sister or sister?

Shirley Miller's gaze suddenly grew two degrees colder, her disdain within expanding instantaneously.

Seeing you can't marry me, you want to target my sister or what?

Your heart is truly filthy!

Shirley Miller answered coldly, "No, I am an only daughter to my parents."


So Samantha Tate and Shirley Miller look so alike, just like twins, could it be that Shirley Miller has a lost sister she herself doesn't know about, or is it just a coincidence that they look alike?

Carson Flores found it strange and began explaining, "Shirley, I think there's a misunderstanding between us, that day at the entrance of the residential area, what I said to you, it was because I had encountered a woman..."

Carson Flores hadn't finished explaining when Shirley Miller impatiently interrupted him coldly, "Carson Flores, my relationship with you is nothing more than a three-month contract marriage. After three months, you are you, I am me, it's impossible for me to like you, let alone love you. We are destined to be strangers, so you don't need to explain your affairs with other women to me. I'm not interested in hearing it, and I don't want to hear it."

Carson Flores frowned, no longer feeling like explaining.

Fine, if I'm a rogue, then I'm a rogue.

You are a favored daughter of heaven, I'm not worthy of you, believe whatever you like!

As long as I can get the Jade Pendant, that's enough!

Just take it as paying back a debt!

This Jade Pendant was personally handed over to old Mr. Miller as an engagement token, and he received a large amount of money from the Miller Family, a great favor owed, so now to take back the Jade Pendant, it must be done willingly by the Miller Family, Carson Flores couldn't resort to any tactics, even if he had to suffer, it would be deserved, otherwise wouldn't it be an utter ungrateful betrayal?

If he really used tactics to forcefully take back the Jade Pendant and hurt the Miller Family's feelings, his master would certainly break his legs.


Shirley Miller didn't say more, turned around, and went home, her silhouette graceful, her long pale legs accentuated by the shorts and fitted tee she was wearing.

Carson Flores watched those legs of Shirley Miller, couldn't help muttering to himself that Samantha Tate was like this, the woman from the hospital was like this, and Shirley Miller in front of him was the same, tsk tsk, there really are a lot of beauties with beautiful white legs, but it seems they have nothing to do with me.

Back in the room, Parker Miller was sitting on the couch, his eyes scanning back and forth across their faces expectantly, "How did the talk go?"

Shirley Miller sat next to Parker Miller, wrapping his arm, and said with a light laugh, "Quite good."

Parker Miller was instantly overjoyed, "So, getting the license tomorrow?"

Shirley Miller nodded graciously, "Okay!"

Parker Miller stared at Carson Flores, "Carson, you have no objections, right?"

Carson Flores said with a smile, "Shirley is so beautiful, I'm overjoyed just at the thought of marrying her as my wife."

Parker Miller looked fondly at Shirley Miller, "Little Shirley's parents passed away early, and I'm getting on in years, not knowing when I might close my eyes for the last time. I don't care about much else; my only concern is about Shirley. If I were to pass on, she would have no one to look after her. Now I'm relieved, with you here to take care of her, Carson. I no longer have any worries."

Shirley Miller's eyes reddened slightly, "Grandfather, what are you talking about? You're sure to live a long life."

Parker Miller laughed, "Yes, I still want to see you get married and have children. Haha, Carson, she's my only grandchild. You're a capable man. The old man doesn't ask for much, just that no matter what storms you may face in the future, you keep Shirley safe."

These words sounded odd, as if they were a deathbed will being passed on?

Playing the whole act, Carson Flores naturally smiled and agreed, "Once we're married, Shirley will be my wife, and of course, I'll keep her safe!"

Parker Miller laughed heartily, "Good, with your word, I can rest easy. Carson, tonight let's you and I have a good drink!"


Parker Miller might really have felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his chest, he didn't drink much that night but got drunk nonetheless, it was clear, however, that he was truly happy, a look of contented relief on his face.

Carson Flores was staying in the guest room, getting ready to rest, when Shirley Miller knocked and entered, holding two printed contracts.

"Sign it."

Carson Flores took the contract, glanced over it roughly, it was more or less the contents they discussed during the day.

Without wasting words, Carson Flores signed on one and pressed his thumbprint.

Shirley Miller frowned, handing the other copy to Carson Flores, "This one is yours."

Carson Flores took it, then casually tore it up.

Shirley Miller's face changed, "What are you doing?"

Carson Flores smiled, "You keep your copy safe, I don't need mine."

Shirley Miller thought about it and felt he was right, whoever raises an issue must provide proof. If Carson Flores intended to renege on the marriage or money, even if he had the contract, he wouldn't produce it, because the contract was unfavorable to him.

Shirley Miller huffed coldly, turned her head, and walked away, but Carson Flores called out to her, "Shirley..."

Shirley Miller stopped in her tracks, turned her head and stared coldly at Carson Flores, her gaze wary.

Carson Flores gave a wry smile, "I just wanted to remind you, after we get the license tomorrow, we'll be husband and wife legally. If you keep this attitude towards me every day, it will surely be impossible to continue acting. Also, I don't mind sleeping in the guest room today, but after we get the license, it won't be practical to always sleep in the guest room, will it?"

Shirley Miller's face changed drastically; she had forgotten that detail.

What married couple sleeps separately?

Was she really going to share a room with this vile rogue for three months?