Chapter 15 Do you know how to write the character for 'seek'?_1

Carson Flores pointed at the front door, "The door is right there. No one's stopping you. You can leave!"

Vincent Ward hurriedly tried to smooth things over, "Mr. Simmons, Mr. Flores's medical skills are exceptional, far surpassing my own."

The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, and looked at Carson with suspicion, "Him?"

Vincent Ward grimaced, "Old Mr. Simmons's injuries are severe. If you switch locations now, not to mention whether you can find another capable doctor, just the time lost is something you can't afford. I may not be as skilled as Dr. Flores and can't provide an exact estimate, but in my judgment, if your father isn't treated promptly, I'm afraid he won't last much longer."

For the first time, the middle-aged man looked Carson Flores squarely in the eye, "Can you cure my father?"

Carson's expression was cool and distant, "Yes."

The middle-aged man frowned but quickly made a decision, "Then, please save my father. If you cure him, I'll pay five million!"

The middle-aged man clearly knew he had angered Carson Flores with his earlier attitude, so he quickly increased the initial offer of one million to five times that amount, and this time, he didn't mention the consequences of failure.

Carson smiled coldly, remained silent, and walked straight to the sickbed. He unbuttoned the old man's clothes and took out the Silver Needles he had just received.

Carson's needlework was swift, and in the blink of an eye, the old man's body was filled with Silver Needles.

As the Silver Needles were inserted, the old man's skin eerily flushed, and his complexion gradually reddened. He was gasping for air with his mouth open, as if he wanted to cough but couldn't manage to do so.

Carson waited quietly for about thirty seconds, then grasped the old man's arm to help him sit up, palm against his back, and pushed up slowly. After repeating the motion twice, he changed his hand position and slapped forcefully, producing a loud smack.


With a brief cry, the old man lurched forward and expelled a large breath of turbid air.

As the turbid air was expelled, the redness in the old man's face and body quickly receded, and his breathing eased considerably.

Carson helped the old man lie back down, took his pulse again, then collected the Silver Needles, and quickly wrote a prescription. He slapped it down on the table.

"He's stable for now and just needs rest. Take this medicine three times a day, one dose lasts two days, continue for three dosages, and the injuries will heal."

The middle-aged man's face lit up with joy. He approached the bedside and asked, "Dad, how do you feel?"

Though the old man's complexion was still pale, his breathing was now steady and his eyes bright. He replied, "I'm fine now. I nearly suffocated just now..."

The middle-aged man, upon hearing this, finally let out a long sigh of relief. He turned around, took out a bank card, and handed it to Carson with a much more polite tone, "Dr. Flores, thank you for saving my father. Here is five million, please accept it."

Carson did not reach out to take it, and said in a cool tone, "Keep your money. Please leave; the Jade Comfort Chamber is too small to accommodate VIPs like you. Also, please don't come back in the future. Even if you do, we won't serve you."

Vincent Ward stared at Carson in surprise. That was five million!

Five million was enough to buy a 200 square meter house outright, yet Carson simply declined it!

Even more importantly, Carson stood up for Jade Comfort Chamber, for him!

Rebecca Ward, who had been watching from the side, had eyes sparkling with unhidden admiration as she looked at Carson.


So charismatic!

The middle-aged man's brows furrowed. He clearly hadn't expected his offer of five million to be rejected and, more importantly, that he'd be so starkly rebutted by Carson.

The middle-aged man stared at Carson, his gaze sharp as a knife, as the aura of authority quietly permeated the air.

"Do you know who I am? To talk to me like that?"

Carson laughed.

"Is there a problem with the way I speak?"

The middle-aged man glared at Carson coldly, "Do you realize that I can shut down Jade Comfort Chamber with just one word tomorrow?"

"And then what, I should be cradling you and be exceedingly respectful?"

Carson smiled, his expression laced with contempt, "I know you're either rich, powerful, or both, but so what? Did I eat your family's rice that I need to look at your face?"

The middle-aged man's face instantly turned quite ugly. The two bodyguards exchanged a look and took a step forward at the same time, but the middle-aged man raised his right hand and waved them off.

"Arrogant because of your talent! Dr. Flores, how do you know you won't ever need to ask me for help?"

Carson said indifferently, "Ask, do you know how to write that word? Seeking medical advice, do you understand what that means? I don't beg you, and I won't die. But if you don't beg me, you might. If I hadn't intervened just now, your father would have died in front of you in fifteen minutes. No matter how wealthy you are, what then?"

The middle-aged man's expression grew even colder. In his high position, it had been too long since anyone had spoken to him like this.

He was about to speak when the old man suddenly took a deep breath and in a weak voice said, "Junwu, apologize!"