Chapter 18 You Can't Be Unreasonable to Me for a Lifetime_1


Carson noticed the young man and felt amused inside.

So, I'm being used as a shield here.

Samantha had no feelings for this young man and, with a roll of her eyes and an indifferent expression, introduced, "Carson, my boyfriend."


The young man's voice suddenly rose a few octaves, but he quickly realized his reaction was too strong and hurriedly composed himself, pretending to be calm, "How come you suddenly have a boyfriend? I've never heard you mention him before. Isn't he just someone you found to deal with your uncle and aunt?"

You guessed it right!

Carson chuckled inwardly but put on a puzzled look and said, "Samantha, who is this ...?"

Samantha explained, "Ethan, this gentleman is Uncle Ethan, a friend of my dad's and the chairman of Jian'an Real Estate. They came to visit grandpa today."

With that, Carson understood the situation.