Chapter 23: Sales Performance All Thanks to Flattery_1

"Why did you agree? You should have refused, right?"

At the villa entrance, Carson Flores said helplessly to Samantha Tate, "You keep coming up with these ideas, and I can't keep up."

Samantha Tate explained, "Just help me out this one time. You see, my dad is on his side, I can't get out of it. If you don't go, I'll have to go alone, and you can imagine what might happen then..."

Carson Flores frowned, "It's one thing after another with no end in sight. I don't have that much time."

Samantha Tate raised her index finger, making a pitiful face, "Just this one time, okay? This trip, we'll pretend to be a couple, so Ethan gives up. After that, there won't be any more trouble, right?"

After a pause, Samantha Tate continued, "Or, I could pay you more. How about 50,000?"

Carson Flores didn't respond; he really didn't want to continue the charade.

Playing husband at home, now having to pretend to be lovers outside...

She may be beautiful, but it's all fake, no fun at all!