Chapter 27 We Hit It Off Right From The Start_1

"He's so generous that he even invited me, obviously aiming to use this opportunity to target me, make me lose face and embarrass myself. As my girlfriend, you'd definitely think I'm pathetic and useless, and you'd break up with me, creating an opportunity for him, right?"

Carson Flores replied nonchalantly, completely ignoring Samantha Tate's mention of a 'reward,' "Just wait and see. In these next couple of days, they'll have plenty more tricks up their sleeves to target me."

Looking at the calm Carson Flores, Samantha Tate asked curiously, "Aren't you scared at all?"

Carson Flores laughed, "What's there to be scared of? I'm not really your boyfriend, am I?"

Samantha Tate glared, "You better not abandon ship and run away. If you do, I'll be left alone not knowing how to cope."